M+ standalone optimized Reaktor content from the community



  • djneural
    djneural Member Posts: 38 Helper

    That's pretty awesome, thanks. Not sure I can do that though as I only have Reaktor Player. Do I need the full version to do this ? Can the result instrument files ready to copy on the M+ SD/USB key be shared (legally of course) ?

  • Fugazi81
    Fugazi81 Member Posts: 69 Advisor
    edited April 2022

    I'm sorry that I have to quote everything, I don't understand the quote function yet. 😑

    I also noticed the embedded samples work on the M+. In fact, the first thing I ported to the M+ was Ultraloop from Twisted Tools. That flashed me so much that it worked. In fact, almost all ensembles with embedded samples run on the M+. For example the ones from the Reaktor 6 Factory Library (Grooveboxes) like , Limelite, SineBeats2 etc.

    I like to use them for percussion loops or background elements or breaks, whatever is fun. They usually have good parameters predefined and invite you to tinker. Paired with M+ snapshots, this is also great for live experiments. They expand the tonal palette considerably and are not that cpu intensive. Ultrabeat aside, that takes a lot of cpu.

    But that also shows that we have som kind of "DiskStreaming" with M+. so to say

    As I always say, there's nothing cooler than Reaktor for Maschine + 😎

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 807 Expert
    edited April 2022

    I've been messing with the VHS suite's IR section all day, and its doing my effing head in. The 40-route/40-position switch part is quite a tough pill to crack for someone like me who is relatively inexperienced with more indepth Reaktor building. Since the Distributors only allow up to 16 destinations per module, there is some additional processing involved which I am having a hard time deciphering ATM.

    Best I can do right now is either to:

    • Skip the IR module and maybe build it as a separate Ensemble once I've sussed it out completely

    • Modularize the entire VHS suite into it's discreet components, and build the IR module after the others..

    I've got pretty much everything else figured out. Noise module was a mystery at first, until I realized it can be switched either pre- or post most of the other fx. But if I modularize everything, people can rearrange the VHS modules freely as they see fit, then there'd be no need to spend more time on the pre-post switching of that one.

    I haven't checked the Space Echo yet. I'm pretty sure one could add a tempo sync to it, but I don't personally feel too motivated to do something like that as I prefer syncing my delays manually.

    EDIT: Bloody hell, figured it out! There's actually nothing wrong with the original VHS suite implementation, I just didn't understand how the Automation & ID's are related. So I'm back on track at the original plan, just optimizing the controls of the original ens for M+. Should get it done soon enough.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 807 Expert
    edited April 2022

    Hey, silly question - How did you specify that something is supposed to be a Reaktor Effect, not a Reaktor Instrument? The VHS suite is ready for testing on M+ but because it is listed as a Reaktor Instrument, M+ doesn't import it..

    EDIT: Sussed it! I should have an M+ optimized VHS suite ready during tomorrow. The ens is still ~90MB's, so I'm not sure I managed to get rid of any of the redundant graphics, or if the included sample material weighs that much, anyways, takes a very long time to load on my M+

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,911 Expert
  • Dstep ATL
    Dstep ATL Member Posts: 95 Helper

    I’m looking forward to seeing it! The previous version takes a bit to load as well. Pretty intensive on the cpu also. I tend to load it up on a group/sound and route tracks to it to be resampled through, and then disable.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 807 Expert
    edited April 2022

    I'm afraid resampling will most likely be the best way to utilize the VHS. It's a multieffect with 10 different processors after all, and one of them is an IR module! Only way to make this leaner besides code optimization (way out of my paygrade ATM 😅) would be to split up the ens into a few smaller units, which could then be mixed & matched by the user in M+.

    Just sipping my morning coffee, I'll get busy in a sec. I'll just make sure the usage in M+ feels satisfactory (ie. no nasty zippering on most parameters etc) and I'll post it.

    Yes, I found it eventually. But that actually wasn't the problem, my structure was nested instead of being at the top ens level, this caused M+ to not import it. Moved everything to ens top level and problem sorted!

  • djneural
    djneural Member Posts: 38 Helper

    Can someone (legally) share the package ready to throw on the sd/usb key for the vocoder to work on the M+ ?

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 807 Expert
    edited April 2022

    Here it is finally - A more or less perfectly working M+ port of the VHS Audio Degradation Suite.

    Takes about 50-55% of CPU on my M+ and load time is around 10-15 seconds. So use it, automate it (I've added event smoothing to most parameters, so automating should sound smooth, except for the IR select and on/off switches) and resample it, probably the best way to use it. Funnily enough, reloading a project using the ens takes less time than loading the ens separately (?!)

    The UI in M+ is laid out in the processing order of the various modules. I tried to keep things as intuitive as possible.

    Might be a good idea to also make a separated fx suite from the individual elements as separate files in order to save some CPU, but whatevs, maybe later..

    Let me know if it's working on your M+! Recommended M+ Reaktor version 6.4.3.

  • Pasildon
    Pasildon Member Posts: 2 Member

    Hi guys, it's really cool we get to use some of the classic ensembles, I thought I'd share this...

    I've worked out how you can make a few older ensembles (subharmonic, steampipe, Sum synth, Grobian ,Metaphysical, Drone-e, titan etc. and many more work in M+.

    here are the simple steps without going in too deep!

    1/ open ensemble in Reaktor 6 (I'm using the latest version)

    2/ then click on any preset and click 'store' so you are technically embedding into this ensemble!

    3/ then re-save as an ensemble (not a preset) then you should be able to open it in the M+ :) PS- If you want to add your own presets just click the relevant (add, store, insert after tweaking)

    4/ Save to your Reaktor user folder on your SD card.

    It would be great if we could compile a catalogue of working ensembles (fx/instruments) then trim down the parameters and optimize them ourselves like the great work tetsuneko has done with VHS!

    There is some great classic ensembles that have stood the test of time :)

  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 389 Pro

    Has there ever been an OTT ensemble for Reaktor, there is one called OTT that is absolutely nothing at all like OTT, would really be helpful for sound design on the M+.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 807 Expert

    Are you referring to the famous OTT preset for Ableton live? I've read about it, but never actually used it.. some sort of compression/limiting setting?

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin

    Yup, some multiband compression preset that brings up the harmonics.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 807 Expert

    All right. I'll need to hunt that preset down and take a listen to what it sounds like in Ableton.

    Replicating it via Reaktor is challenging, because although multiband compression per se is doable, I'd think people would expect 100% similar sounding response and end result from the ens, which sounds very challenging tbh. But no harm in having a crack at it.

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