Machine mk3 Crashed My Whole Computer



  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited January 2024

    don't stress over things like BSOD's

    $#!7 happens....

    if you knew the frustrations of Mac users dealing with hardware compatibility wise... when MACOS updates occur... you'd be smiling with your once in a Bluemoon BSOD...

    all computers are prone to crashing... whether by external means or internal

    just know they are imperfect machines!! prone to crashes...true story!!

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    When turning off the MK3 device VERY RARELY will it blue screen the computer, and cause a major reboot. On one of my computers it actually bricked the device making it completely unusable.

    And what if it was way around? And your computer has been dying and it would die despite using or not using MK3. It is highly improbable that USB device could brick computer.... Mainly, if it is not externally powered.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited January 2024

    Its really hard to know if any of this is really related to a Machine device or if generally unplugging any USB's on a computer with issues causing the crash, unless the users regularly unplugs tons of other USB's devices and only the Maschine causes the BSOD but even then it could be the Port...

    Maybe a USB port has bent pins and unplugging causes a short? maybe the cable? Maybe your BIOS needs update, maybe the chipset? theres a million variables in the windows world.

    I'd start there, use a different port, hub, cable and see it it still happens.

    Never had that frustration tbh, people can choose to update early and risk it all or be smart wand wait, or even downgrade back... while fixing a BSOD is a full on nightmare. Not to say that Mac's are perfect tho, they got issues aswell, each platform has it's pros and cons but none of my Mac's ever crashed, cant say the same for all the windows PC i owned including my current one.

    Anyway, lets not start a Mac VS Windows thing, plz.

    This happened to me, 3 years after building a PC where I didn't cheap on a single component, a high end system at the time (in the 'gaming segment' not server/workstation), it simply started to die and have more and more issues over time until a couple of weeks it became so bad I have to move on.

    I too had BSOD's when unpluging USB's very rarely but not just with MAS, with anything. I could blame the USB thingy, but i could also blame my GPU, PSU, motherboard, bad drivers, firmwares, its really almost impossible to pinpoint the cause of the death of my current pc system... Switched to Mac Mini, which sucks because of the RAM prices but i dont want to deal with debugging a ton of components ever again.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    When building computer one may have bad luck. Simply certain combination of parts does not work, or work unreliably. If that happens often, one might be able to find element that has to be replaced. It does not have to mean it is defectiv element, it may well work fine in other setups, but not in this particular one.

    I have the rule, if thing randomly crashes and so on, it goes to trash.

    I remember that years ago Bill Gates has presented new Win (Win95 I think) and wanted to show plug in HW using USB. Which was quite a new thing that time.... And computer has crashed......

    Win go to BSOD only because very lowlevel drivers. Mostly something concerning GPU.

    I cannot imagine how could USB device powered from PC brick PC. If it is powered one, hi voltage might go to USB and damage circuitry of PC, but otherwise... Yes, it could make computer to crash, but it is questionable if it is caused by given device or driver, or problem on USB circutry, and so on....

    I have many computers running, I do evil things on computers, but I get BSOD very, very seldomly. If I do not count my almost 20 years old notebook, that was on for 50 000 hours or so. And still has the original cooler... But it is something comparable to human at nineties... It works, but so, so...

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited January 2024


    When building computer one may have bad luck. Simply certain combination of parts does not work, or work unreliably. If that happens often, one might be able to find element that has to be replaced. It does not have to mean it is defectiv element, it may well work fine in other setups, but not in this particular one.

    I have the rule, if thing randomly crashes and so on, it goes to trash.

    I guess so but I went 3 years with no issues so it couldn't be incompatibility, I stress test and benchmark everything after building to ensure system stability, I'm no computer science major by any means but decently knowledgable and always have overkill cooling to rule out extra wear due to heat. The PC is still dying prematurely... It could just all be bad luck, or maybe i bumped into the case and that caused it, maybe it was due to overclocking altho I did pick a mobo with decent VRM's, who knows.

    But how do you pick what "goes to the trash"? How do you debug? Remove every component for a other one untill you find the problem? Not viable unless you have free access to components. Or do you mean trow a full PC away because it's crashing?

    I cannot imagine how could USB device powered from PC brick PC. If it is powered one, hi voltage might go to USB and damage circuitry of PC, but otherwise... Yes, it could make computer to crash, but it is questionable if it is caused by given device or driver, or problem on USB circutry, and so on....

    Me neither but then again USB-B was created to stop people from connecting Host devices to a computer and "prevent damage", maybe the damage can only happen to the device connecting, but I am not sure.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro

    Never had that frustration tbh, people can choose to update early and risk it all or be smart wand wait, or even downgrade back... while fixing a BSOD is a full on nightmare. Not to say that Mac's are perfect tho, they got issues aswell, each platform has it's pros and cons but none of my Mac's ever crashed, cant say the same for all the windows PC i owned including my current one.

    Anyway, lets not start a Mac VS Windows thing, plz.

    ive had the M1 Mac mini crash on me randomly... just completely reset itself out of the blue, no warning no reason...

    on top of that beachballs are a thing that locks up the application and requires a "force quit"

    i do like using the M1 mac mini... its just such a quiet environment now the towerPC has been disconnected LOL

  • John Curry
    John Curry Member Posts: 9 Member

    Lots of cope here on this issue. I get this is a maschine forum (lots of fanboys) but my gawd. They all wanna blame everything but NI’s Mk3 buggy af audio driver, that can potentially break your computer running windows! No wonder NI gets away with all its ******…

  • SuperTRev
    SuperTRev Member Posts: 122 Helper

    I'm a fan of the Machine, always have been. But the Mk3 is on my sh**list until they fix that stop button, changing it from pause to stop, and swap metronome with tap tempo.

    For me it probably was the NI audio driver, which is why I blamed them. But it hasn't happened since and I doubt that it will.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    External nonpowered USB device has no means to brick computer, that is working correctly. USB in computer should handle all sorts of misbehavior of connected device. In the worst case it might crash, but not get bricked....

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited January 2024

    Dont get angry with other users... there's no point. IMO if it was the audio driver then all users would have this issue and there should be hundreds of posts about it.

    Let's focus on possible solutions, maybe another Audio driver is causing a conflict? Do you use anything hacky like say ASIO4ALL? Next time a crash happens upload the log here, maybe someone can find useful info about it or its culprit.

  • SuperTRev
    SuperTRev Member Posts: 122 Helper

    Not sure I would be calling the inventors of ASIO as making a hacky ASIO driver.

    If it were an ASIO driver to blame, I would be blaming my FLS ASIO or my Mackie ASIO before ASIO4All

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited February 2024

    You're confusing ASIO with ASIO4ALL, the 4ALL part is important....

    ASIO4ALL was invented to force non-ASIO interfaces to support it, there's zero reason to use it if your interface driver is already ASIO... It's meant for old, cheap interfaces... Back in the day, built-in motherboard 💩 interfaces, no interface at all, etc... Feel free to google it, top post here explains it pretty well.

  • SuperTRev
    SuperTRev Member Posts: 122 Helper

    Ya you're probably right about that.

    I checked the ASIO4All page and they credit Steinburg for ASIO but I don't even see a credit for who made ASIO4All, except some names of people here and there. I previously assumed that was Steinburg too.

    Learned some things about FLS ASIO too. Some mysteries about how their auto close works; with multiple audio streams.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited February 2024

    Probably? 😆 They're not gonna explain it so bluntly the way I did on their own website or no one would be fooled to still use it today, many people just assume they have to install it, or do it out of an old habit, hence why I asked if that was the case... To help debug the folks having issues, but... it seems no one is interested in debugging the problem.

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