S88 MK3 & Maschine Integration

MoorishJedi619 Member Posts: 5 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

Are there any plans whatsoever to bring back Maschine Integration? I'm asking because I'm a LONG time Maschine user who literally just invested into the S88 MK3, assuming it would be fully compatible with Maschine, only to find out that the integration is gone and it seems as if Native Instruments just doesn't care about it/those of us who either enjoyed the integration or those of us who wanted to enjoy said integration... C'mon now NI.... ya'll dropped the ball on this one 😞



  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    NI has repeatedly said that this is not planned at all, unfortunately.

  • Vic Angelo
    Vic Angelo Member Posts: 127 Advisor

    Unfortunately, They don't understand the amazing Hardware Combo that was Maschine and Kontrol mk2. They don't realize how many more people wanted the integration. Kontrol MK3 is nearly useless to Maschine users at this point. Best Options for you are

    1.) "Downgrade" back to Kontrol MK2 for the true potential of Maschine.

    2.) Get an MPC Key 61 or 37 and ditch NI altogether.

    3.) Get any other MIDI keyboard on the market because without Customizable MIDI templates Kontrol MK3, literally Any other MIDI Keyboard would be better.

  • Tamicheal
    Tamicheal Member Posts: 3 Member

    As a long time NI user I can relate. I recently purchased the s88 mk3 but was quick to find out it is not integrated as models in the past. Cmon NI. Please make this right. Is there anything in the works to make KK MK3 integrated with Maschine?

  • MoorishJedi619
    MoorishJedi619 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Is there no one that we could talk to about this?? A Petition we could start or something? I want the new product(s) for sure but I NEED the integration and unfortunately there's seemingly nowhere to downgrade the MK3 to a MK2 😞

  • MoorishJedi619
    MoorishJedi619 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Is there anyone we can contact about this? I'm not aware of NI declaring that they will never make it fully integrated with Maschine or whatever but I could definitely be wrong. I just don't understand how it is that NI could do us like this? 😞😞😞 I'm very disappointed

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru
    edited January 2024

    They basically said that the percentage of users using this integration with Mk2 keyboards was so low that it didn’t make sense for them financially to implement this functionality with Mk3 series. I, as many others, consider it a wrong decision, but that’s about it.

    Another wrong decision (IMHO) was to release Mk3 series without onboard midi template editing or play assist functions. The keyboard was released in unfinished state and we have yet to see any progress on adding those functions (NI estimated this to be delivered in Q1 2024, here we are nearly in February already).

    Wanna bet this will shift to Q3 or Q4?

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,717 mod

    As has been stated: we were very proud of the integration Maschine and the Kontrol S MK2 had. It was a significant effort to build and maintain, but unfortunately bore little fruit.

    A very small % of users owned both products, and a smaller % of that group used the integration. Of course, this does nothing to appease the people who do use it, and want it for MK3. But, that's why.

    If ever there's an integration brought back, it would be rather basic (e.g. Transport controls) as there's no evidence to suggest the high effort implementation was, and/or would be worth it.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,717 mod

    I don't think it's so binary as a decision being right or wrong, although I understand why you'd feel that way. The prioritization results in a variety of feelings across a spectrum, but my hope is the reasons why it was made are at least understood, even if they're not universally liked.

    With regards to MIDI template editing, it looks like we'll be in beta in March, rather than public release in March, so slightly longer than anticipated as the team is temporarily down a few members.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    @Matthew_NI The reasons are understood, sure. I might not like it and few others, but I'll live 😋

    On a positive note, I really like the look and feel of MK3 (I had a go with it in local PMT music store, here in Norwich), keyboard is amazing and screen is beautiful. Can you confirm that Midi template editing will be available on device and not only in KK, like it was with Mk2?

    And another question, any plans to provide CC midi events for transport and other buttons while in 100% midi mode (when not connected to computer at all), to use with external hardware sequencers and such?

    I have Novation Launchkey Mk3 here plugged via Midi (not USB, I didn't like Logic integration provided by Novation) and it generates midi events from nearly all buttons - so I can learn/assign my own midi functions in Logic?

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,717 mod

    I can confirm it will be on-device only. But there will also be another update that allows templates to be transferred between devices/systems, so you're not locked into one device.

    Also, for the DAW control buttons, no. But it's good feedback!

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,379 mod
    edited January 2024

    Speaking for myself I never really took to the Maschine integration for one simple reason, it was incomplete without Maschine actually supporting the aftertouch my S Series MkII could produce, which meant Maschine in turn could also not fully support the software instruments I love most that all support a greater range of expression - not just aftertouch but also things like MPE, that Maschine just wasn't up to handling. Even NI's flagship synth, Massive X, doesn't sound as it is intended to sound in Maschine, so many patches rely on aftertouch it feels like a much more limited synth than it really is when run inside Maschine. I think people need to face the fact that there never was really great integration between Maschine and MkII keyboards, at least not if you actually wanted to use the keyboard fully within Maschine.

    It's such a pity really, a missed opportunity even. I would have loved to be able to record tracks created on my MkII keyboard directly into Maschine, it would have been perfect for that were it not for that one limitation, and NI's blind spot when it came to even acknowledging it, let alone doing anything about it.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    Not pleased that it's planned as on-device only.

    The limitations of the on-device screen and on-device navigation will make MIDI template editing more difficult and a less enjoyable experience.

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