Native Access 3.1.0 not only doesn't work, but kind of screws up my computer

bgenchel Member Posts: 4 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access


Long time user of native instruments here. I just had my computer wiped and was attempting to reinstall everything I have Native Instruments wise through native access (3.1.0). It doesn't work, every installation ends with "Installation Failed" and provides no other information. I tried searching online for some way to access the logs, but I couldn't find any information in that way either so I guess I'm just stuck with this completely useless error message.

The online documentation for this issue says to allow 'Full Disk Access' for native access and nkt daemon. I did this, no change.

What's worse - I can't even uninstall the application. When I try to empty the trash after putting Native Access in the trash, my computer goes haywire. It says that I can't empty the trash because a bunch of random things (like Snare, Drums, {Plugin Name that actually belongs to output and not NI) are "still in use". I try to stop emptying the trash, but nothing happens. The process freezes. So, the application doesn't work at all, and it screws up my computer.

I really wanted to reach out to customer support, but it seems that Native Instruments doesn't actually have that! They just misdirect you around to random pages that no longer exist. I don't really understand how you can put out buggy software and then not provide support for it, especially when that software is hundreds of dollars.

P.S. the tags feature on this website when you try to input text for a tag doesn't seem to work either! As a search or otherwise~!

Best Answer


  • bgenchel
    bgenchel Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited January 2023

    I really just can't understand how the things that this software has done even happen. I drop the Native Access application into my trash, and suddenly, a bunch of folders of things I haven't even tried to install appear there, and can't be deleted from there because:

    """The operation can’t be completed because some items had to be skipped. For each item, choose File > Get Info, make sure “Locked” is deselected, and then check the Sharing & Permissions section. When you are sure the items are unlocked and not designated as Read Only or No Access, try again."""

    What??? There isn't even a sharing and permissions section in the get info window??? What does this even mean??? I just don't understand. It seems to me that I have to completely factory reset my computer right now in order to get this buggy ****** off of it. How. How can you make something that messes things up this badly, and not provide customer support????? For like $800 dollars!!!

    In order to stop the `empty trash` operation so I can even look at my trash can, I now have to go into activity monitor and literally force stop finder. That's the only way I can do it right now.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,568 mod

    Hey @bgenchel I see that my colleagues replied on Tuesday to the support request you on the 28th. Did their indications were helpful? You didn't get back to them. Do you still need assistance? If you do, please get back to my colleagues.

  • bgenchel
    bgenchel Member Posts: 4 Member

    Their comments were helpful, but i'm still having issues. I basically have to babysit the program and constantly quit and restart it to get it to install things.

  • bgenchel
    bgenchel Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited February 2023

    I constantly get the error "There's an issue with the installer service. To resolve this issue, try trestarting Native Access. If this doesn't work, restart your computer and try again." Which is super annoying. After this, whatever was in the middle of being installed stops, and everything else stops. Happens every 5 minutes.

  • Adiemus
    Adiemus Member Posts: 7 Member

    I have the same error message, I could only install all the instruments by retrying and retrying and retrying ... Like what felt like a hundred times. At least I've got fiber, I can't imagine poor souls going through this with a slow connection...

    Now I see duplicate presets with the same name in Kontakt / Komplete Kontrol so I fear that it did not even install properly. Or maybe it's supposed to be like this, I dont know... At least the instruments work. Well except for the ones that aren't M1 compatible anyway...

    "Native Access 2" feels like alpha quality software right now, it barely works (on MacOS Ventura M1 Pro)

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,568 mod

    @bgenchel Please get back to my colleagues explaining that, they are the specialists and should be able to offer some advice or solutions.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,568 mod

    What error message do you get exactly? Please follow the steps in this article: Native Access Error Message: "Installation Failed" (Mac)

    Once these steps are done, does Native Access work better?

    In Kontakt for the duplicate presets, in which view does it happen? Can you share a screenshot?

  • Adiemus
    Adiemus Member Posts: 7 Member

    Oh yes I already saw the article and gave Full Disk Access. But still it kept crashing regularly. I still managed to install everything in the end but this was not smooth at all.

    I can't find any duplicate presets now, I don't remember where I saw them last time, maybe it fixed itself.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,568 mod
    Answer ✓

    @Adiemus Ok, and what about now, are you able to install a product without Native Access crashing? If you still need help on this I'd recommend to contact our support here:

  • Ronni-Boi
    Ronni-Boi Member Posts: 2 Member

    I've lost EVERY NI & Arturia plugin this weekend after upgrading to Arturia V9 and updating NI Access

    They're on my Hard drive, but the system can't see them...

    What is going on.???

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,568 mod

    @Ronni-Boi I answered that in a new thread as this has nothing to do with Native Access.

This discussion has been closed.
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