Support Response

pimi7041 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Native Access

Hi everyone, am I alone in that it takes a long time for support to get back?

I have a ticket open about accessing an old user account to transfer a license and it’s been open on both of our ends (myself and the person I’m transferring to) for some time.

Any advice on who I could reach out to?



  • Ojustaboo
    Ojustaboo Member Posts: 347 Pro
    edited January 2024

    I contacted NI at 2pm today about a license transfer issue, they emailed me at 3:20pm with the license transfer details.

    Did you get an email confirming your support ticket had been created? I’ve copied part of the email responses below, you can see how quick it all took.

    Maybe depending on how the support ticket is initially created, it might mean it ending up in a different department?

    Just in case this is what happened, I initially contacted support by doing the following.


    Go to their home page at

    Click on the Support tab at the top of the page

    Click on “Purchase and Account”

    Click on “Account Support “

    Click 0n “Contact NI Support “

    Do you need help with the activation or installation of a product?

    Click “No”

    Is your question about License Transfers / 2nd hand purchases?

    Click “Yes”

    We have collected all info around 2nd hand purchases in this overview. Please click below to find out more:

    Click “That doesn’t help”

    OK. Are you a buyer or seller?

    Click “Seller”

    Have you already requested a License Transfer?

    Click “Yes”   (If you click no, it won’t give you the option of contacting support)

    Ok, so something went wrong with your transfer request.

    Do you want to sell hardware or software?

    If you click on Hardware, you get the following:

    Important: If you want to sell MK2 / MK3 hardware, please only request a License Transfer for the hardware serial number!

    The buyer gets all the software after the hardware registration automatically! 

    Click on “Understood”

    Whether you clicked hardware or software you then get:

    Some licenses are not transferable 

    • Educational (EDU)

    • Not for resale licenses (NFR)

    • Third-party licenses

    • etc.

    Click on “I still want to contact support”

    Then fill in the details it asks for.

    You should get an automated email with your support ticket number fairly soon after.


    Here’s their response less than 2 hrs later

  • pimi7041
    pimi7041 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Super weird, we contacted them about the same issue a couple times and they haven't gotten back.

    Started out last Thursday and that was the last communication I heard.

  • Punggolian
    Punggolian Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    I have contacted NI support for a few days now about the simple question of getting download link for a product I purchased. No response, all I get is the bot email specifying that my response was recorded. Nothing, not even an acknowledgment otherwise that someone is working on the problem. I also don't know what a problem would be for a longtime customer who purchased the latest update of a product he had all along and updated a bunch of times already. Whatever this customer "support" is, it is incredible how much money seems to be flowing into PR and how one gets ads left right and center but not a single human response to a simple request.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
This discussion has been closed.
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