M+ standalone optimized Reaktor content from the community

tetsuneko Member Posts: 674 Guru
edited February 15 in Maschine

Attn M+ standalone users,

Let us know if these work on your M+?

So you DL any .ens and copy it to your SD card, under "Native Instruments/User Content/" and M+ browser should then find it in:

EFFECTS - REAKTOR - USER (for effects)


INSTRUMENTS - REAKTOR - USER (for instruments)

EDIT: Make sure your Reaktor version on Maschine+ is 6.4.3. for best compatibility. version 6.5 ensembles are currently not supported in M+ standalone, stay tuned..



MNFM - A monophonic 4 operator FM synth by gentleclockdivider, 8 harmonic partials per op, master ZDF SK filter

TRITIUM - VA synth by @Nought E



ZDF NONLINEAR FILTERS - Based on Reaktor 6 Core modules

LOWKUT - HPF with adjustable amt of poles + lo shelf EQ

R6C COMP - Reaktor 6 Core compressor module with ext sidechain & wet/dry

VHS.A.D.S. - VHS Audio Degradation Suite, a multieffect for lofi-textures

OTT - Not to be confused with the famous OTT, an extreme experimental compressor

SrsVocoder - Serious Vocoder, feed it a vocal to the Left and a synth to the Right channel

(updated version with vocal input utilizing std ext sigechain in Maschine /WIP)

PitchCorrection - Auto-tune effect

FREEZIER - A Grain Cloud Module


OZON Stereo Width tool (Added to RUL but should be 100% compatible with Maschine+):

Ø - A simple polarity inverter effect

This list will be updated as new content gets added.



  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,124 admin
    edited April 2022

    Many thanks for sharing this! Pretty excited to try this out in Standalone.

    Hope you'll inspire more Reaktor builders to look at the M+ and build more modules 🙌

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 674 Guru
    edited April 2022

    I hope you find it useful! The ens has input and output gain in addition to the filter drive, so you can find some nonlinearity pockets that might sound interesting. I'll upload a mono version as well in a second. Be advised, high resonance values will introduce endless self-oscillation, just turn the resonance down to kill it if it persists. I wanted to have the full resonance range for edge use cases (combining high reso with drive and pre gain), but it might not be the most user-friendly approach ;)

    I think some sort of tutorial video or an article compiling all the small details about building ens files optimized for M+standalone would be a great asset to the community.. But I can kind of understand why one doesn't exist yet as custom ens content isn't officially supported by NI. I think the best course of action at the moment is to build very simple ensembles, those have the greatest chance of working as intended.

    Here's the mono version - This one's CPU footprint is actually much more reasonable 😎

    (The mono version just takes the Left channel of a signal and outputs it as dual mono)

  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 471 Pro

    I'm super excited about this too. It's very exciting when you find more cool stuff to do with M+.

    I knew that there are some simpler Kontakt instruments that are not well documented as usable in M+. So when Loopop released his demo M/M+ instruments made from some new and rare synths made with the upcoming Auto-sampler update (there are three for free linked to the video and many more to his Patreon subscribers so made the leap and became a paid patron). And they sound fantastic! It's really going to blow the whole M+ world into the stratosphere by vastly expand the range of playable instruments in M+.

    But until your post I have never really looked into Reaktor patches like yours or even understood the potential so thank you!

  • Trevor Meier
    Trevor Meier Member Posts: 70 Advisor

    Some kind of tutorial for both Reaktor and Kontakt on M+ would be extremely helpful.

    I’d also love to see the Reaktor User Library add a “tested on Maschine+” tag. Does anyone from NI know what the process might be for something like this? @Matt_NI

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 674 Guru
    edited April 2023

    If you have those loopop sampler patches in your M+, I recommend trying them with this filter. I was just playing the mono version on FM8 patches — add a cool Raum preset and a touch of chorus and I'm loving the results! I bet it would sound great on those sampler patches as well.

    If you are new to Reaktor building, I recommend this youtube tutorial series by @Cogari . Have been watching it myself just now and getting myself reaquainted with patching. Been a long time since I messed with Reaktor, and never got too proficient with it, these tutorials were a great refreshener. They are well thought out and very easy to follow along and understand.

    After you have something working in Reaktor, I recommend opening it up in Maschine desktop first. In fact, building a Reaktor Patch while its running inside Maschine is a great way to make sure you end up with patches that are useful in a music making context!

    Making a Reaktor patch compatible with M+ requires that you save a snapshot (aka preset) into the first embedded preset slot in the Reaktor ensemble. You will also want to tidy up the parameter pages in Maschine UI and save it as a Maschine preset; You can then load this Maschine preset back into Reaktor, overwrite the snapshot(s) and resave the ensemble. This will make Maschine parameter page assignments permanent, so that when you reload the .ens in M+ standalone, everything will be laid out exactly as you had it looking in Maschine desktop.

    EDIT: Added a clarification into the instruction, denoted in italic.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 674 Guru

    I have only done a few Kontakt patch exports myself, but the main thing to be aware is that you want for your Kontakt desktop app version to match the version in M+. Also, monolith style Kontakt patches don't seem to work, only the ones where samples are included in a separate subfolder.

    I have not tried to export anything with KSP scripting in it, so don't know if those will work on the M+.

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,124 admin
    edited April 2022

    @tetsuneko :

    I think some sort of tutorial video or an article compiling all the small details about building ens files optimized for M+standalone would be a great asset to the community.

    There's undeniably a new step coming with the Autosampler feature, as well as building Reaktor ensembles suited for Maschine+. That's very exciting. We'll try to make things move on our side to hopefully provide more learning content on this. 🙏

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,124 admin

    Love the idea of the M+ tag! But not sure it would be implemented due to the fact user ensembles are not officially supported.

  • Fugazi81
    Fugazi81 Member Posts: 66 Advisor

    Hello Nico, I hope you are doing well.

    We have a very detailed post on Elektronauts on this topic. There you will also find a small selection of Maschine+ ready Reaktor essembles to try out. I also mentioned that here. The big question that arose was whether it is generally allowed to share Reaktor essembles that you downloaded from the Reaktor library or that you get with a Reaktor license. I would like to hear an official statement from you on this.

    I now have a whole SD card full of Maschine+ ready Reaktor essembles that I would like to share with you. As a proof of concept, so to speak.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 674 Guru
    edited April 2022

    Sounds good to me! Anything you guys can do to make Reaktor building for M+ easier will be helpful and much appreciated. Furthermore, building ensembles already works, to a degree, so it's a great opportunity to extend existing M+ functionality without having to wait for any new Maschine updates to become available. There are lots of quality-of-life improvements Reaktor ensembles could bring to the table, such as simple audio polarity switching, Mid/Side encode/decode, and so on. Ensembles dont have to be massive, even simple and elegant utilities are helpful.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 674 Guru
    edited April 2022

    Are these Reaktor ensembles which just happen to work in M+, or are they actually ported to M+? As in, their parameters are meaningfully labeled and organized, with redundant parameters hidden, and everything fluidly automatable etc?

    Having working ens files in M+ is great, but having ens files which are actually easy & intuitive to use in M+ is even better. Take NewSchool for example; Sure, you can use it in M+ but the UI makes no sense unless you are already very familiar with the Desktop version (Sounds hella good tho!).

    Another problematic UI example would be something like FM8. While you can open up an FM8 instance with most parameters visible in M+ (except for FM Op matrix), the parameter ranges are optimized for using with a mouse & keyboard. AFAIK its impossible to set operator ratios accurately via the M+ encoders, resulting in FM patches which cannot hold a steady tuning.. I'm actually thinking I want to tackle a simple FM synth as my next M+ ens project because of this. A simple FM synth which can be easily programmed straight via M+ UI would make for a great complement to FM8, sort of how the new Polysynth is a good complement to Massive.

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,124 admin
    edited April 2022

    Thanks for sharing this, I can see the thread is pretty big and full of useful information.

    The big question that arose was whether it is generally allowed to share Reaktor ensembles that you downloaded from the Reaktor library or that you get with a Reaktor license. I would like to hear an official statement from you on this.

    Well, if you created the ensemble yourself or if it already comes from the Reaktor Library, there should be no legal issue (if that's the question).

    I'm thinking, M+ ensembles could also be shared within this community on a dedicated thread. However, the upload limit of the platform is only up 100mB IIRC. The Reaktor Discord server could potentially also be a good place to centralize some already existing ensembles and knowledge.

  • Fugazi81
    Fugazi81 Member Posts: 66 Advisor

    It's a mix of both, some are well optimized and run on M+ and some only run on M+. The problem was and is actually that there is no documentation for this, apart from the hints how to optimize Reaktor ensembles for Maschines (Browsers), where "optimized" actually means tagging the presets. 

    Of course there are exceptions, depending on how complex the ensemble is. Worst of all, the ensemble relies too heavily on a graphical interface.

    When I tweak the ensembles; it's just a matter of trial and error for me, because I don't have a clue about Reaktor; I always try to see M+ as a performance tool. if that makes sense.

    But if someone knows how to do it, everything should be easy to optimize. maybe at this point we should think about a kind of "standard" for arranging the control elements. What comes on page one, labels etc.

    We also had a post about this in the old forum. In the post we were already so far that we could at least sort out the unused controls. somehow 

  • Fugazi81
    Fugazi81 Member Posts: 66 Advisor
    edited April 2022

    Thanks Nico for the answer, that was the question.

    Good idea to bring up the topic here. Also the idea to discuss and share this here in the community. After all, we're talking about the Maschine+ by Native Instruments. 😎

    I would love to see the topic get some more love from NI, in my opinion this is the ultimate feature. The complete Reaktor world in your hands , (almost) limitless possibilities. 

    What is definitely missing is some kind of documentation, with a separate look at the integration of ensembles into the Maschine environment, software or stand alone. And not just tagging presets. Reaktor is officially supported by Maschine (Software), this raises the question of how Reaktor ensembles can be optimally adapted to the hardware. Theoretically, you could do without a graphical UI, which is obviously not the strength of the hardware.

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