Kontakt for iPad or alternatives



  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    Great!!! Yet another argument not to make ports for iPad. Instead of buying MacOS Reaktor for 400, one would buy iOS Reaktor for 40 or so. Great busines oportunity!

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    @Kubrak So, 30-80 EUR for program that costs 400 EUR on Win/Mac platform. And lots of work to port it to iPad.

    @Mutis That’s not what I said but if you are happy thinking that….

    Well, you referenced to programs covering this price range. And so indirectly indicating what i possible pricewise on iPad.

    I guess there is not many, if any, programs for iPad costing 400, or so....

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru
    edited April 2022

    I don't have NI/iZotope resources.

    And isn't the point of this thread to entertain ideas for change?

    Why is change so scary to some people?

    It's inevitable.

    More of the same isn't going to work.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    Kubrak just doesn’t like ANYTHING Apple, so he will be opposed to anything Apple-related as a matter of principle, as every die-hard PC fan should (in his opinion) 🤣🤣🤣

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    I do not like hype about Apple, but if someone likes to use it, why not...

    I do not think, it would be wonderful to port Kontakt, Traktor, Reaktor, Maschine to android as well.

    My objection is that tablets have rather limited interface. And applications for mobile platforms have rather low pricetag.

    Why should Mercedes produce Trabants?

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    So if it boils down to this:

    My objection is that tablets have rather limited interface. And applications for mobile platforms have rather low pricetag. 

    Then it's pretty simple to counter:

    1) iPad does NOT have a limited interface. Instead, it opens up a world of interfaces. It is a small object that lets you carry around significant processing power, significant storage, excellent battery life, comprehensive channels to interact with the world outside of itself, and it can easily integrate its abilities with a full-fledged "desktop" environment if desired. And none of of these qualities need to be developed by NI... NI can simply piggy-back their environment on top of all of these things.

    2) Subscriptions. Users would have a flexible range of options to participate in this NI environment. And NI would have additional income from selling new high-quality hardware devices that translate motor-skills into performance data. And these devices would optimized to interact with the iPads screen presentation.

  • Sedat Senguel
    Sedat Senguel Member Posts: 20 Member

    Well. You can't fully compare Desktop/Laptop pricing and tablet apps pricing. But NI could profit from scale. If the price tag is not that big, it could be a great entry for more people that want to get familiar with music production. As a father I also think that the new generation (of future producers) are more on their smartphones/tablets than on desktop laptop and much more early with tech in general.

    If you as a top tier music software company can enter a new market and be in the top 3 instantly...why not try? A good example is Korg with their gorgeous music apps and the possibility to buy in app stuff. For NI I would rather concentrate on subscription services like sounds.com and komplete now to also be available on iPad. So that the user can subscribe once and use the sounds/samples on multiple devices at their finger tips.

    But as mentioned some pages earlier. These are ideas for NI that they can throw in their brainstorming maschine and maybe in the next few years come up with cool stuff. What I also would like is if all Maschine products would be usable as CC devices. Would love to use/map Beatmaker 3 on the gorgeous pads of a Maschine Mikro etc... ;-)

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    I am sure NI does consider it and did many times before. If the price is eight of PC price or so, the market would have to be eight times more. And even much more because Apple takes big part of price for iPad Apps...

    And there is big thread to NI. If they sell Kontakt for iPad, that may be installed on Mac... Wouldn't it undermine Kontakt sales for Mac? Instead of gain, there might be the loss.

    Maybe NI will make some of their products available for iPad, but Kontakt would be third fourth in the row.

    Kontakt Player (for free) and libraries for Kontakt (for full PC price) might possibly be profitable on iPad.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    I like the idea of free Kontakt Player for iPad and libraries being bought for the full price. I also agree that no iPad version of NI software should be 1:1 equivalent of PC/Mac version as not to undermine the sales of those.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    Or even it could be considered just another use of licence for PC/Mac. User has two or three, so one could be also used for iPad. Or android.

    And vice versa. Licence of Kontakt libraries bought for iPad/android could be used also on Mac/PC..... Simply, instead of two platforms, users might use it on four (or three if android is skipped).

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    Ok.. setting aside all the talk on business strategies.... fun to reflect on what things could be more readily enabled in a new environment.

    Having the iPad as a controller option itself... it might be fun to have some instruments that present some sort of "painting" approach to sound design. The Apple pencil can allow for some finer control.

  • Sedat Senguel
    Sedat Senguel Member Posts: 20 Member

    Good points there but I don't think that this has to undermine anything. But it could complement for sure. See like Steinberg is doing. They sell Cubase on PC/Mac and Cubasis for mobile devices. You can produce on the go with cubasis and save your stuff on the smartphone / tablet and you can load the session on your PC/Mac and work further on that. I also like your idea of a free kontakt instrument and then selling the instruments/packs separately. It could also be implemented in a subscription like sounds.com or komplete now for iPad. To me it is not one or the other....I would love to have the freedom to use the device that I want to at that time, and if this is a creative jamming situation with a friend and two iPads connected or a studio setup with real instrumentalists so be it ;-)

  • Sedat Senguel
    Sedat Senguel Member Posts: 20 Member

    In a perfect world for me it should be as loaded as the original. It's all about strategy. For example if I have Adobe Creative Cloud, i can use the software on two different devices at a time. So if I'm on the go I can work on my laptop and if I'm at the office I can work on my desktop. Same could apply for NI's licensing. They could say, that you can install the license on two devices wether it is desktop/laptop or mobile. I think this would be a good selling point and it wouldn't undermine nothing. Sure mobile pricing is not that high, but what if there could be an upgrade option. That you can buy the iPad version and if you want to use it on desktop and tablet then upgrade the mobile only license and use it everywhere you want.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    grid editing with an Apple Pencil would be pretty handy too

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