Maschine Plus - Drop outs when changing scenes (MAS-29716)



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    @S Righteous Please check the update. I don't think it will fix your issue. Let me know, if you still are encountering that, we'll need to do a new bug report. @ozon You were able to reproduce the issue too, I might need some info too or project files.

  • S Righteous
    S Righteous Member Posts: 167 Advisor

    I guess this didn't address the issue which this thread is about, unless I need to see the 2.17.5 bug-fix list.

    But thankfully the new logo is working (mostly) 😂

    Seriously though, I am excited to try out this update.

  • Andy Wt
    Andy Wt Member Posts: 139 Advisor

    Have anyone tested 1.5.0? Has it fixed dropdown issue? I asking because personally postponing update for as long as possible due to negative experience with initially broken previous one.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,948 Expert

    @S Righteous @Andy Wt @Jeremy_NI the test project attached to the above post works now flawlessly with M+

    Could you also retest, please?

  • S Righteous
    S Righteous Member Posts: 167 Advisor

    I have re-tested and it does seem that my issue is now resolved.

    The test project transitions seamlessly to the synth part without glitching. It sucks that the issue only happens on first play through after load - I had to keep turning the unit on and off to test. But it now seems to be fixed which is excellent!

    I will keep an eye out with other projects as well, not just this test project.


  • S Righteous
    S Righteous Member Posts: 167 Advisor

    I wanted to ask a question about the update.

    My computer is running an older OS to be compatible with some of my other gear. So now that Maschine+ has had it's plug-ins updated does that mean I may have issues exporting Massive, or other instrument patches from my computer to the M+ ?

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,948 Expert

    Newer plugins can usually read patches/presets from earlier versions. I have third party libraries for Massive on my M+ which are over ten years old and have always worked fine (but now that you mention it, maybe I should check if they still load).

    Also, most plugins are still the same version but available as VST3.

    You shouldn’t run into problems regarding patches/presets. An exception might be custom Reaktor ensembles, but they aren’t officially supported anyway.

    However, you can not open Maschine Projects which are created with a newer version. That is a major PITA.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert

    So does this mean we can consider the "audio dropouts when changing scenes" issue as resolved?

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,948 Expert
    edited December 2023

    What I find a bit irritating is that the release notes don’t mention anything about that. But they are always a bit sparse, so it seems to be NI policy to rather not mention solved problems to avoid admitting there were problems (I know… my tin hat theory).

    Given that they must have touched quite a few areas for this update, this issue could have been solved by chance rather than intentionally.

    But that’s all speculation. First tests show this problem to have vanished and we must observe and revisit this issue, if it pops up again.

    @Jeremy_NI any official statement on this?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    edited February 2024

    @S Righteous @ozon I am not sure what happened. This issue was very rarely reported. Since the initial report to now, there has been a couple of beta versions with changes that might have had a positive effect on that issue. I am just happy that you don't have this issue anymore.

  • Andy Wt
    Andy Wt Member Posts: 139 Advisor

    Finally managed to test 'Test Scene Switch V04' and my own project with both and new firmware.



    Test Scene Switch V04: quite pronounced stumbling

    My project: very pronounced stumbling with clearly audible click


    Test Scene Switch V04: sounds good

    My project: stumbling is without click and less pronounced but still present on first playback. Second and later playbacks are flawless

    Conclusion: The issue is not resolved completely. Eagerly awaiting for developers to do real investigation and fix it. @Jeremy_NI

  • S Righteous
    S Righteous Member Posts: 167 Advisor

    Interesting - my tests usually seemed like the first note was 'late' and not always clicking or glitching, but definitely a timing issue. Sometimes there was an audible issue as well, but this was quite dependant on the material, so I assumed it was some plug-in sounds trying to trigger without being fully active, or you know, were previously asleep. So if this is greatly improved, it may be hard for me to notice timing, and I may need to test with other sounds.

  • Andy Wt
    Andy Wt Member Posts: 139 Advisor
    edited January 2024

    Next round of testing


    Test Scene Switch V04: stumbling is present. @S Righteous could you confirm?

    My project: very pronounced stumbling with clearly audible click

    Please take a look on these screenshots of my problematic scene change moment. First one is recorded via Line out, second one is created with M+ export audio function. On both screenshots long vertical line is placed on the start beat of same scene.

    So, in the beginning of the scene after playing the first beat for about 155ms audio engine suddenly decided to take a rest for about 27ms. Also, if compare waveforms of the first beat (despite slightly different volume levels between screenshots) looks like that on the problematic one some instrument doesn't produce sound at the beginning of the scene.

    If this is not a bug then i don't really know what does word 'bug' mean

    @Jeremy_NI could you forward this to development team?

    PS: Sorry for amount of noice visible on the spectrogram in the first screenshot. Its due to poor quality of audio-in of my computers motherboard. My external audio interface decided to die some time ago...

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert

    Yupp, that's a dropout, no doubt

  • S Righteous
    S Righteous Member Posts: 167 Advisor

    This confirms what I had been hearing originally, a drop out, and timing issue more so than a glitch or pop.

This discussion has been closed.
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