KK S61 Mk3 sustain pedal invert problem

Mishu Calian
Mishu Calian Member Posts: 9 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

Since it seems that you can't contact support on NI website (thanks), I'll list my problem here:

Every time I fire up my new KK S61 Mk3, the sustain pedal behaves wrong, meaning that it sustains the sound when it's not pressed. I have to go into settings each time and change whatever value is there (normal/invert) in order for it to work properly. Anybody having the same issue?

Specs: Mac M1 Monterey

Komplete Kontrol v2.94 and 3 (i switch between them, behaves the same on both versions)

KK S61 Mk3

Best Answer

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,650 mod
    Answer ✓

    There is a bug causing the Invert parameter to recall incorrectly. We're fixing it.



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,403 mod

    @Mishu Calian We have a dedicated support section on our website: https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us

    For issues with Komplete Kontrol keyboards, please use this typeform: http://bit.ly/NIsupport_KKontrol

    If you have a mk3 keyboard you should use the Komplete Kontrol 3.0.0 and higher, since 2.9.x does not support the new keayboards.

    What model is your sustain pedal?

  • Pettycells
    Pettycells Member Posts: 8 Member

    I am having this same exact issue with my Kontrol S61 Mk3. Regardless of the software I'm using it with - standalone Komplete Kontrol, Kontakt, inside my DAW, or ANY other virtual instrument in standalone mode - I must switch the sustain pedal Invert setting, regardless of whether it's presently "Off" or "On," for the sustain to function properly.

    Curious, @Mishu Calian , if you've got your issue sorted.

  • oobe79
    oobe79 Member Posts: 138 Advisor

    I have also had this exact same bug happen to me. It's bizarre.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,650 mod

    Have you calibrated your pedal settings on in the keyboard Settings page?

  • Pettycells
    Pettycells Member Posts: 8 Member

    There is no pedal calibration option under "Switch" mode for the sustain pedal. So I changed the mode to "Continuous" (not how you'd want your sustain pedal to be set up) and calibrated it there. After changing it back to "Switch" mode, the behavior remained the same - meaning every time the keyboard is turned off and back on, the sustain pedal functions the opposite of its intended behavior, and I must change the Invert setting each time I turn the keyboard on in order to get it to work properly.

    I've tried 2 different sustain pedals. They both behave this incorrect way with the Kontrol S61 Mk3. Both pedals work properly on other keyboards, including my S61 Mk2.

  • nobadmojo
    nobadmojo Member Posts: 111 Helper

    Is there no Controller/Keyboard Editor software app for the mk3 keyboards? On my mk1 , I just had to open the Controller app and reverse the settings <as i recall because i did this a couple years ago>. You can also put the pedal in latch mode using the software. Another option would be if your sustain pedal has some switch on the hardware to reverse (I have no idea if some of them can do that)

  • Pettycells
    Pettycells Member Posts: 8 Member

    Thanks for chiming in! Things are different with the Mk3 vs. Mk1 or Mk2, however. The controller settings are changed on the keyboard, not within software on the computer. Latch mode is "switch" mode on the Mk3. As I and others experiencing this problem have said, regardless of how the setting is set for the sustain pedal ("Invert" on or off are the options), the sustain will behave incorrectly each time the keyboard is rebooted. So each time I turn the keyboard on, I have to go back into the settings for the sustain pedal and change the inversion in order for sustain to work correctly. Clearly this is not how it's supposed to work.

  • nobadmojo
    nobadmojo Member Posts: 111 Helper

    Bummer...sounds there is nothing to be done about this until they do some some sort of firmware update. I;d probably just leave the keyboard on..maybe there is an option to turn off the lights. it's unfortunate.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,403 mod
    edited December 2023

    Hey all, what pedal model & brand are you using that are inverted?

  • Mishu Calian
    Mishu Calian Member Posts: 9 Member

    I am using a korg pedal and I have another one (not sure what brand) and I experience this behaviour with both of them

    Korg model:


  • Pettycells
    Pettycells Member Posts: 8 Member

    I have a Korg pedal, and also one by M-Gear. They both work normally with every other keyboard I have, including my S61 Mk2.

  • anwi666420
    anwi666420 Member Posts: 21 Member

    I had this issue with the M gear sustain pedal, and the INVERT function in the keyboard settings didnt seem to do anything, just had to manually invert the values myself and it's working well

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,403 mod

    @Pettycells Have you tried to change the polarity with the switch under the M-Gear pedal? That should do the trick. Could you tell us which Korg model exactly?

  • Pettycells
    Pettycells Member Posts: 8 Member

    Thanks @Jeremy_NI ! The polarity switch on the M-Gear pedal seems to have worked. The Korg pedal came with my Korg SV-2 keyboard, it doesn't have a polarity switch and isn't labeled with a model name or number. When used with the S61 Mk3, it still requires changing the "Invert" setting for sustain on the hardware each time the keyboard boots up. For now I will keep on with the M-Gear pedal exclusively with the S61 Mk3 and buy another sustain pedal for my other controllers. Fingers crossed it continues to work. Thanks again for the feedback.

  • WEM
    WEM Member Posts: 17 Member

    Hi community,

    I try to setup a Yamaha FC3a pedal (with half peddling function / potentiometer) on my new s-series mk3 Kontrol keyboard. I tried to change each and every parameter on the keyboard but without success.

    I changed to continuous mode, reset CC64, calibrated, played with swap ring/tip... I seems that the pedal is inverted but the invert function doesn't do anything...

    Was some of you successful?

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