Native Access 3 Asking for Admin Password Every Startup on Mac



  • Midi Sordino
    Midi Sordino Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Thanks for this. I thought I had solved the issue but it's returned this morning. I've given disk access to a few more NI products I rarely use, besides NTK Daemon, Native Access and some others, and issue has gone again. But given your comments I'm expecting it to return. Will post back again if issue does miraculously resolve.

  • Heroic
    Heroic Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Same issue here. It might help a bit if you set the NTKDemon Service to Automatic start instead of delayed start, but suddenly out of nowhere it may ask for login Data again.

    Its a pity that you guys cant fix this Issue. I tried reinstalling on Windows 10 and also Windows 11, but nothing really helps. Who knows if this Error affects nothing else? I mean Native Access has some kind of copy protection for sure, so how do i know that everything is working as intended if even the installer doesnt work 100% ?

  • Heroic
    Heroic Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    May i ask if some of you guys changed your Email recently? I did, and to my suprise in the registry i found the old one and not the one i used to login into Native Access. So mabye somehow this has also to do with the change of an email adress? Whatever, i changed my email back to the old one and also reinstalled windows 10 from scratch. Iam now using Native Acess 1 without any Issues. I didnt know you also can install Kontakt 7 with it and some new library, but actually you can. Wasnt this an restriction in the past? I will upgrade to NA2 once problems are fixed.

  • Lukas Elektrik
    Lukas Elektrik Member Posts: 2 Member

    Login Items fixed the issue!

    Adding NTKDaemon in the Login Items fixed the issue for me as Jeremy_NI was suggesting above. I have MacOS Ventura 13.6.1 and Native Access 3.7.0 was asking the password on each computer start. I had given "Full Disk Access" for the Native Access and NTKDaemon, but it was not enough.

    Note: In Ventura, unlike in the picture below, the "Login Items" are no longer under "Users & Groups". Ventura has "Login Items" under "General".

    Best Regards,

    Lukas Elektrik

  • Lalo Rojas
    Lalo Rojas Member Posts: 3 Member

    I´m having the issue also (dec 1st) . Is an update coming soon, so we don't have to modify our privacy/security settings? No other app needs/asks such an access in my Mac. Thanks.

  • solsta
    solsta Member Posts: 133 Helper

    same here, it keeps asking me for my password, super frustrating to have to type it in every single time I need to use the app. Apple on Ventura M1 Max all disk permissions are selected properly. I wonder why this keeps happening. It's super inconvenient to look for my password every time I open this

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,229 mod

    I had this problem on my Mac. Downloading the latest NKTDaemon from this link and installing it fixed the problem.

    Native Access: Most Current Issues — Community (

    -- Mike

  • Slajerek
    Slajerek Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Why NKTDaemon requires full disk access, etc on every boot? It's huge security issue and I prefer not to give access to everything to some possibly not secure daemon. Why that NKTDaemon can not just use files they are given permission to?

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