Feedback - Komplete Kontrol 3.0



  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,776 mod

    What i meant is that if you are using such language (fantasy lands etc) to people you do not know, sounds ironic and arrogant (thus i felt the need to answer to you in that way, because when i read your comments i became really annoyed), even if this wasn't your intention. If you just speak with arguments, no one can blame you. It is that simple.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru
    edited November 2023

    Thank you for trying to restore constructive discourse, but I do want to make a distinction in this effort.

    "Afraid of change" or "being a Luddite" is not at the same as a someone who is unwilling or doesn't see the need to break something to make it better. That is a charge I would put on some users here. I certainly "get it" how breaking something that already "worked" might be hugely disruptive to their habits, workflow and livelihood. The people who feel this pain have been very understandably vocal.

    But the voice of those people much more willing to "break things" to allow for a different path has not been as well represented in this community. I have built and re-built many "things" in professional life. And sometimes, a point is reached where the factors of needing to "break something" out weigh the need to preserve. It's not black and white. But decisions need to be made and someone is gonna be disappointed.

    And again, this is not about right or wrong (words that you unfortunately continued to use in your effort to restore constructive discourse)

    It is opinion and choice.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 424 Pro


    What i meant is that if you are using such language (fantasy lands etc) to people you do not know, sounds ironic and arrogant (thus i felt the need to answer to you in that way, because when i read your comments i became really annoyed), even if this wasn't your intention. If you just speak with arguments, no one can blame you. It is that simple.

    I have come across nightjar on numerous occasions over the years, and no, like most forum users, I do not know any of them personally, but his 'perspective' is always the same, that only he has anything remotely called perception and everybody else is wrong or doesn't understand.

    I fail to see anything ironic or particularly arrogant in using the term fantasy land.

    I actually do not understand what you are trying to say in the highlighted comment

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,776 mod

    You are continue to judge and criticize a person, judging by your experience! I have a completely different opinion. Anyway, I think we (...and few others) have misused this thread with a lot of off-topic comments that has nothing to do with KK3. So from my part at least, i stop here and i urge you all to do the same. I don't have time and mood for long debates either. Whoever want to chat can go to the Social Club. Whoever understands, understands. Further similar comments will be simply ignored. Cheers.

  • R_E_D
    R_E_D Member Posts: 36 Helper
    edited November 2023

    I hope out of this entire mess, NI and others ultimately learn that statistics is not a replacement for innovation. When the first mentions of 'our stats show' started to fly with the MK3 release, I instantly checked out. I'm amazed how my perception of NI flipped in such a short amount of time, and this was even before the KK 3 debacle.

    Thankfully, there are many players in this field, and there have been some incredible releases this fall. I voted with my wallet, maybe that will speak a bit louder than my private data collection.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru

    I like how the latest Kontakt has replaced the menu bar icons with text for File, Library and View.

    It's a little thing, but helps a lot for clarity IMO.

    I would expect this same switch from icons to text will happen in an upcoming KK 3.

  • B.Minor
    B.Minor Member Posts: 180 Advisor
    edited November 2023

    @nightjar wrote:

    For those not wanting to buy into S-MK3 and NKS2, there is KK 2.9.6.

    I don't like to spill more oil into the fire, but exactly these kind of statements, supporting ideas where all "non-MK3" owners should be ignored per se, is not acceptable for me. No wonder the waves were so high in recent postings, as one-dimensional thinking seems to be the kernel of the brute.

    The only conclusion that can be drawn from here is that serious concerns which have been raised by many NI customers lately (not owning an MK3 keyboard yet but reporting their current issues with KK3) still haven't been fully understood by other people (who are exclusively looking into the future and hoping that NI's promised NKS2 features will lift off someday). However, playing off each other instead of pulling together is the real issue here. There must be a way to meet in the middle and to make this community push NI in unified strength to a direction where they have to present us a final solution every existing and new NI customer can live with. It's all about the magic word "backward compatibility" that every serious company should have an eye on, especially when claiming to be a leader in the music industry.

    But coming back to the reason why I finally replied to this very particular sentence quoted above (which I couldn't leave uncommented):

    • Wouldn't it be really too cheap to tell all MK2 owners (or even those not having any NI keyboard at all) by EOY 2023 already to stay on KK2.9.6 from now on, just because they don't feel okay with the latest GUI changes and feature removals they have to suffer from, especially after KK3 has been introduced?
    • Should all of these people be silenced, only because a new keyboard has been introduced to the market, along with its companion KK3 which has been slimmed down and obviously prepared in such a way to manage future NKS2 functionality exclusively, at the same time ignoring many of the existing NKS(1) functionalities already?
    • Is it really that surprising if people who have spent a lot of money on NI SW and HW are now standing up and are getting vocal in order to defend their rights to keep their proven workflow, and in many cases trying hard to use their beloved (but a little bit older) SW/HW combination along with all related well-known functionalities until the bitter end of MK2 support has finally come?

    If really following the above recommendation "please stay on KK2.9.6 if you don't like how KK3 works" would actually mean that MK2 owners are actually put onto the same step as MK1 owners already now. Please note that even MK1 owners had their full 10 years period to enjoy all of the great features that KK2 offered to them, acting as a central control instance, until KK was finally "updated". MK2 could have at least another 4 years left in case NI doesn't come around the corner, announcing much earlier MK2's EOL. But we're not there yet. Even today the keyboard still has certain requirements that the software has to fulfill. It was simply a no-go to drop those features without any prior notice. From my personal perspective, every single NI customer, regardless if existing or new, if owning an NI keyboard yet or not, deserves to get treated correctly. That's what it's all about to keep customer satisfaction alive and keeps the company growing.

    But as NI has officially sentenced KK2 to death, KK3 is (and will be) the only long-term option which is left for all users. Therefore, if NI takes their responsibility seriously, a worthy successor needs to presented to the community very soon. Before adding any new NKS2 stuff, the existing foundation that has been broken recently needs to be fixed first; and this must happen in a reasonable time before more damage is done. If not listening to the majority of existing users and not closing those mentioned gaps first, it's like you'd now throw all existing MK2 users over board in the same way as MK1 users had been lately, just for the sake of a new keyboard. Yes, maybe my wording is also a little bit harsh and over the top at this point, but I can't help - it feels exactly that way to me.

    To recap, recommendations like that mentioned quote at the very top of my posting are not reflecting the way existing customers should be treated. This behavior can only be called ignorant. Someone may stone me now, but that's my personal opinion I'll be sticking to until I'll be proven wrong.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru

    No one has been silenced.

    Nothing has been taken away from anyone.

    People have the option to keep using their NI gear the way they have been.

    There have been some clumsy moments of how NI has introduced updates that has caused problem for some people, but NI has been reasonably responsive to most affected by the missteps in rollout.

    Breaking eggs gets messy, but people at NI have made sincere and good efforts to find a middle ground IMO.

  • Rob Gray
    Rob Gray Member Posts: 54 Member
    edited November 2023

    I might be a little late to the party but my feedback is pretty consistent with the original post. Overall KK 3.0 is quite nice- some things are easier and it’s a more pleasant experience in general. It sounds like it’s been mentioned a lot already, but I’d love to be able to see the browser and the editor window simultaneously again, I miss the more in-depth categories and tags (browsing and editing), and although I didn’t use Samples much before they’re definitely less useable now. Easier mass editing of user presets would be great, as the tags are my most used part of Komplete Kontrol.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru

    Yes indeed.. I would say if there is one unifying feature request for KK3, it seems the simultaneous viewing of the browser and the active, editable instrument being used. Hope this makes a re-introduction to KK3 on the sooner side.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,776 mod
    edited November 2023

    +10 for the magic phrase "backward compatibility"!

    In that area NI really is one of the worst, i have to admit. Remember Battery? And how many users lost their kits from their projects? This, is unacceptable. But apart of this i have nothing else to accuse NI, for me they are clearly one of the best companies out there.

    About the rest: I am also an MK2 user, but i really prefer the new KK 3, as a design and as a workflow. What i need from them is to restore some functions from the older version (tag/author/bank name editing, sub banks etc) and give us more flexibility on NKS preset creation. That's all!

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,888 Expert

    Bit of an overreaction to a civil discussion. I think @tempsperdu is perfectly on-point, anyone who has been here a while knows that when @nightjar has an idea in his mind he wont stop in any thread until the people in the space station have received his visions, it's a digital version of a scratched record.

    So you didn't ask any questions of anyone in 17 years of learning? You may have learned the same amount in 10 years if you asked a question or 2, especially if you had actual experienced people around you to learn from :)

    Seems what you are implying is that people should just self help and not open their mouth to ask questions, not speak out when things are not to their liking, just deal with things in their own head space? Completely the opposite on how I was raised to go through life. Of course you can learn a lot through self education but you can also learn the wrong things since the person teaching you (you) doesn't really have a clue, and you may end up doing things the hard way. Society has been built on the passing of knowledge from old to young, those who seek will find.

    Forums are for discussion things and not everyone will always agree on a point which is why it is best to stick in threads that will fit your view. This thread is NOT aligned with the views that @nightjar has so he really should not be in there TBH.

    Some of us do not wish to just sit by constantly and watch userful functionality in software we love be just ripped out/completely changed for no reason. Happened when the MK2 came out and we no longer could shut off the LEDs like we could with the MK1 for instance and after 6 years of numerous people complaining, we still have nothing there. If you think that the new KK losing big features like ability to see sub banks isn't a big deal, or the ability to fast scroll through presets while also using the GUI of the plugin without switching back and forth between screens, then you certainly have not been using KK to the fullest extent.

    These forums have people passionate about what they do and yes, sometimes that also means when working for 10 years you develop a certain way of working, call it efficiency, call it habit, call it whatever. But calling people who like to work in this way "close minded, stuck in old habits, not forward thinking" as @nightjar has done is pretty poor form, implying we are not enlightened enough to adapt to the new way of working.

    Not everyone likes the whole process to be flipped upside down on them ESPECIALLY when there are things like crippling bugs still not being addressed. It makes some of us feel like it is pointless even contributing, I have certainly dialed back around here because of it, not because my own personal requests have not been met, but because NONE of ANYBOBY'S requests in 10 YEARS were ever met and then a decision is made to not only forget about all of that, a new version comes out that changes everythying about KK and removes numerous useful features and workflows and we are simply suppose to feel happy about that? No, some of us are pretty miffed about it TBH, I feel it's now a shell of the product it once was and headed for Kore land personally.

    100% on this point:

    @subnorn: Note 2: Personally, i am willing to sacrifice 20 well worked projects and delete 30 paid plugins, just for the excitement of testing the new! And this is a thread about Komplete Kontrol 3, not about earlier versions, so, why you all don't make another thread about how good was the old version and leave us in peace here? No offense to anyone, but I got really tired of reading about people going back to 2.9.6 version! 1/3 of the comments is about that, and not about the version 3!

    @tempsperdu : And that is fine for you, but there are other people in the universe, and they have perfectly valid views and experiences. Why if they don't concur with your own, you should think they are not valid is rather suspect..........

    This thread is about FEEDBACK on the new software, everything we say is feedback. Geezus man, no one here is saying how great the old software was. We aren't stupid, you seem to be inserting that assessment between the lines of what you write. Remember, some of us have been around a long time and offered hundreds of hours in testing and feedback over the decades. There are certain things the previous software did well and some things it needed improving on. No one wanted a whole "reimagining" of the workflow, just a few simple improvements, a facelift and an update. I mean, the 1 single feature asked for was resizing of the window and even THAT one feature was not on the top of the consideration list for the initial release. Basically shows that user feedback is not considered when decisions are made.

    If you don't agree with the discussions in this thread or the people, that is fine and there is nothing wrong with alternate views, you don't have to read the discussions, you also don't have to throw in your $0.02 either.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 424 Pro


    People have the option to keep using their NI gear the way they have been.

    There have been some clumsy moments of how NI has introduced updates that has caused problem for some people, but NI has been reasonably responsive to most affected by the missteps in rollout.

    Breaking eggs gets messy, but people at NI have made sincere and good efforts to find a middle ground IMO.

    This is not the case anywhere except inside your head, or there wouldn't be many of the posts you choose to ignore expressing this is not the case. This has happened with NA 2, Kontakt, Maschine and now KK.

    NI is anything but responsive.

    Case in point, there was a problem opening Falcon 3 in Maschine in that if you added another instance the controls were locked and unusable. As this only happened in Maschine, I assumed it was probably a Maschine problem, but informed both NI and UVI about it. UVI got back to me instantly and did everything they could tirelessly to fix the issue which they can't properly resolve because it does appear to be a Maschine problem, but they did discover a workaround for the issue.

    Both companies were contacted on the 26th October, but NI never got back to me till 2 days ago and then to ask if the new beta fixed it... it of course didn't.

    NI as been redefining the concept of belligerence towards its users for years now and yes because of the takeover we should give them slack. We probably would if this were the only occasion, but sadly it is far from it.

    It may for some, seem a way forward to rewrite the software and maybe introduce some cohesiveness and joined up thinking into the procedure but not if, as seems the case, it is being written with no understanding of the programmes they are writing, its history and its users. They do threads asking opinions, on occasion have beta groups, but totally ignore most of the criticisms and suggestions from people who have spent no small amount of money on their products and been using them for years.

    It's heartbreaking to see such ignorance at play.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru

    @JesterMgee : Forums are for discussion things and not everyone will always agree on a point which is why it is best to stick in threads that will fit your view. This thread is NOT aligned with the views that @nightjar has so he really should not be in there TBH.

    A feedback thread where only people who are aligned in same view should participate?


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