Traktor Pro 3 Feature Request: Stripe improvements

D Genetic
D Genetic Member Posts: 23 Member

Hi there,

Features I miss regularly in Traktor Pro are related to the Stripe. Here they are, of course they're initial proposals brought for discussion and fine tuning:

  1. When clicking through it, the numbers of bars between the play position and the click position is shown. Useful indeed!
    • Feat. request: It would also be useful to also see the time difference.
  2. Feat. request: it would be useful to see the numbers of bars and time between current playing position and the next cue (think about: next break for mixing)
  3. Feat. request: allow for a zone of specific interest to be highlighted (at all times) and its duration to be displayed (bars/time). e.g. the next break.
  4. Feat request: While a song is playing, allow to scrub across the stripe to listen in headset to specific zones of interest. This would help a lot when preparing the mix out from a song not very well known, looking for mixing opportunities across the track.


  • D Genetic
    D Genetic Member Posts: 23 Member

    Please share your thoughts here and support the related IDEAS I have posted. Cheers

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,859 Expert

    For 4 I always use the preview player.

  • D Genetic
    D Genetic Member Posts: 23 Member

    It is so small and doesn't allow to have referential information compared to the current playing position. Do you think it can't be improved or that the proposed improvement would be an annoyance?

  • D Genetic
    D Genetic Member Posts: 23 Member

    I am wondering how many regular active users there is for this forum. My ideas might be lacking of interest?

    Is there a view count for the posts?

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 692 Guru

    The development is a bit slow the last few years. So I wouldn't say give up on requests, but we all have stopped putting much conversation into ideas. Which is kinda sad.

    Your ideas are good, but number 4 is probably hard to add unless just making some improvements on the Preview Player. Mainly because of the Cue Mix knob.

    But the Preview Player is not synced so for me it is very distracting whenever I use it live.

    Also I work a lot with duplicate tracks so when needed I use the duplicate track on a separate deck to move around. But mostly I do pitch changes or octave jumps. With a mapping on a separate controller Djtechtools Spectra, mapped with LEDs that indicate the channel fader position so I don't accidentally play it live.

  • D Genetic
    D Genetic Member Posts: 23 Member
    edited November 2023

    There's so much that can be improved, especially for other use cases than recent EDM. I'll keep on posting, thanks for the encouragements!

    RE. 4) I understand the concern. Perhaps a dedicated virtual button which changes the stripe into preview mode. Or a single button which loads the track into an improved preview (larger and with cues etc). Well essentially that becomes a new deck... The thing I don't like about the 4 decks is that it eats a lot of real estate which on a mac is very precious because the increase of resolution performs pretty badly because of the lack of full compatibility with retina resolution.

    Interesting tricks you're doing with the separate controller!

  • wayfinder
    wayfinder Member Posts: 416 Guru

    good news on #2: you can show Beats to Cue in the track deck!

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 692 Guru
    edited December 2023

    @D Genetic @wayfinder

    The idea of #2 suggestion. Was to hover with mouse cursor over the stripe and see beats to next cue as well as the time left. I had suggested the track deck options in the feature request post.

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