Guitar Rig 6 MFX patches gone when updating to Logic 10.8



  • StevoWheelo
    StevoWheelo Member Posts: 1 Member

    Hi there. Hope this helps some of you. I went back to Logic 10.7.9 on my Time Machine external drive. I didn't open Time Machine but found Logic 10.7.9 in the latest folder and copied it to my desktop. Renamed it 10.7.9 and opened it. Seems to open fine and I've loaded my projects with Guitar Rig MFX. Next job is to save the settings so that they load in a new version of GR in Logic 10.8.

  • solmy30
    solmy30 Member Posts: 1 Member

    I do not have an earlier version to revert back too. I also have a lot of projects that I don’t even remember what parameters I set. I guess I’ll wait to see if there is a possible fix, in the meantime I simply don’t save my existing projects in the event a fix is in the works.

  • lloydt
    lloydt Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    that is really a huge issue, basically all songs I have rely on guitar rig 6 with MFX, so an update would really be needed here.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,347 mod

    I’m not sure if this is even something an update from NI can fix, Apple have moved MFX out of the FX menu, if that is a bug it’s on them to fix, but if it’s a consequence of how Apple seem to be changing AU fx MIDI capabilities generally then what NI might need to do is take advantage of that in the none MFX version. Either way the only going back would be to revert Logic, not Guitar Rig

  • lloydt
    lloydt Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    thanks, that really helped me, since I knew beginning of November still the 10.7.9 version was used, so I found it in Time Machine in the programs folder, copied it and replaced all guitar rig MFX plugins with guitar rig FX plugins. After storing I could open the song in Logic 10.8 and all the plugins were there with the right presets.

  • lloydt
    lloydt Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Seems logical to me, that logic needs to fix it :-). I reverted as suggested here in the forum and it worked.

  • ivicam
    ivicam Member Posts: 60 Member

    I must be missing something, but isn't the MFX version intended to be used as an instrument together with sidechaining? This enables using MIDI FX plugins with Guitar Rig, which is very powerful (think about LFO and Scripter, for example).

    Why would you ever use MFX as an audio effect instead of "normal" FX?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,347 mod

    MFX allow midi controllers to be used if you place the Guitar Rig MFX plug in on an instrument track. Regular AU Fx didn’t used to allow that but it seems Apple are changing AU MIDI functionality in several ways so that might change too.

    You are thinking of MIDI FX which is where one plugin feeds MIDI to an instrument

  • ivicam
    ivicam Member Posts: 60 Member

    In Logic 10.8 we can still use Guitar Rig MFX as software instrument, and route the audio from another track through the sidechain. This way we can still control Guitar Rig with MIDI while playing and recording guitar.

    Are you saying that it was also possible to use Guitar Rig MFX as audio effect on software instrument tracks in previous versions of Logic? I've just purchased Komplete, so I am not familiar with how it worked before.

    I do understand the part that MFX version may not be necessary in future due to AU MIDI in-out changes, I just didn't know that MFX was available as an audio effect as well.

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod

    Good news!

    Apple released the Logic 10.8.1 update yesterday which fixes the bug that you can't load MFX as Audio FX. So now all your projects with Guitar Rig should load fine again.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,347 mod

    Yes it is not fixed even if Apple say it is

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod
    edited December 2023

    Sorry for the confusion, it seems like they only addressed the issue partially.

    You should now be able in 10.8.1 to load a project with a Guitar Rig MFX in an Audio FX slot that was saved with a Logic version earlier than 10.8.

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