Cannot drag purchased music or AAC Files from Apple Music into Traktor Pro 3

MartinR_ Member Posts: 6 Member

His wasn't an issue until updating to Catalina and Traktor Pro (don't know which update is causing this problem) where if I drag music that wasn't purchased (like free downloads from Soundcloud) from Apple Music into Traktor Pro it works fine. If I try and drag a song I paid for in the iTunes Store it won't drag and drop, like if you try to drop in a not purchased file. However, if I pull that purchased song up in the finder and drag the file from there into Traktor that works.

Someone have an idea to resolve this?




  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,936 admin

    Hi @MartinR_ Could it be that files in iTunes Store are DRM AAC? Apple usually adds DRM copy protection to tracks stored in the cloud, while Traktor only works with non-DRM AAC.

    More info at the bottom of this page here: Which Audio File Formats Does TRAKTOR Support?

    However, if the tracks you bought from iTunes are stored in a hard drive of your Mac rather than in the cloud, I've seen Catalina users being able to fix this issue before by upgrading their Traktor to Traktor Pro 3.3.0+

  • MartinR_
    MartinR_ Member Posts: 6 Member

    Hi @Kaiwan_NI

    All my song are stored in my mac. If i convert an MP3 file to AAC with Music App, some song i can't drag and drop in Traktor anymore and some i can.

    All MP3 works and if i convert an AAC to AAC it work. Its weird.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,936 admin

    Do the AAC tracks that don't work contain special characters by any chance?

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,936 admin

    Hi @Ryan_NI Maybe you've heard of similar issues with AAC files?

  • Karlos Santos
    Karlos Santos Member Posts: 136 Pro

    I don't have a Mac with Catalina installed but I can confirm this issue with MacOS Monterey v12.1

    Cannot drag iTunes/Music purchases onto a Traktor deck.

    There are no issues with MP3s or other formats.

    Unfortunately both my gigging Macs are still on Mojave.


  • Ryan_NI
    Ryan_NI Customer Care Posts: 191 mod

    Hey there - unforuntately, this is a known issue. we've filed it as a bug, and we're looking into it.

    I can't guarantee if or when we'll be able to fix it, but I can guarantee that we're looking into it. I'll post this forum thread link into the bug filing, if that's okay with you (to give it a +1). let me know if that's cool with you.

    I apologize for the inconvenience in the meantime!

  • MartinR_
    MartinR_ Member Posts: 6 Member

    Hey @Ryan_NI,

    You can post this forum into bug filing, Thanks for the help guys! I have this issues for a while.

  • Ryan_NI
    Ryan_NI Customer Care Posts: 191 mod
    edited February 2022

    Hey @MartinR_ , I've submitted the +1 to the bug ticket. If you ever wanna check back in of the status of the bug, feel free to reach out and use this reference number: TP-2283 Drag-and-drop into TRAKTOR Deck

  • Alex Lowen
    Alex Lowen Member Posts: 8 Member
    edited July 2022

    Hi everyone, has anyone found a fix? This is literally a workflow nightmare, the only way around this is to grab the purchased AAC file from finder but importing it that way makes it loose the cover art. It's the same issue with rekordbox, not just Traktor. Can't drag/drop purchased files form the iTunes Store that are in the music app library directly into Traktor. Another way around is to internally convert the track in iTunes itself and then we can import it but we basically end up with every purchased file duplicated, not great. There are some workflows around this but they are just very inconvenient when you are dealing with dozens of purchased tracks.

  • MartinR_
    MartinR_ Member Posts: 6 Member

    Hi @Ryan_NI, any updates on TP-2283 Drag-and-drop into TRAKTOR Deck ? Thanks!

  • MartinR_
    MartinR_ Member Posts: 6 Member

    Hi everyone, I found this file that you can install the old iTunes. It work perfectly. Enjoy!

  • Alex Lowen
    Alex Lowen Member Posts: 8 Member

    Hey Martin, thanks for the updates and keeping this thread alive. I'm afraid until NI. Serato and Pioneer update their softwares we are stuck without a being able to drag/drop purchased AAC files from iTunes into our DJ softwares... Hope a fix gets discovered soon.

  • Simon B
    Simon B Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Hey there,

    I was in contact with Apple before, having the same drag and drop issue. The only option we could figure out, is to drag and drop the songs into an new folder (e.g. on the desktop) and then drag and drop them into TRAKTOR PRO 3. The negative aspect is, that you double up your files. Is there any better workaround (without doubeling the files) or installing the old itunes version?

    Hope a fix gets discovered soon!

  • Alex Lowen
    Alex Lowen Member Posts: 8 Member

    Hi Simon,

    Yes the file doubling is an issue. So far the way I've found without having to double files is to right click on the track in the music library, select "show in finder" and from there drag/drop it into Traktor 3. But there's a few major setbacks to this technique like the fact that you can't batch import, you have to painstakingly right click and locate in finder every track one by one, and when you import purchased m4a tracks using this method, the cover art doesn't get imported into Traktor. You then have to right click on the track that's been imported into Traktor and manually import the cover art for that song (if cover art is something you care about). Hope a fix gets released soon, for now I'd simply recommend purchasing your music from other online stores.

  • Simon B
    Simon B Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Hi @Alex Lowen,

    Thank you for your quick response! Your workaround is quite useful to me. Thank you! I was annoyed, that I couldn't find "show in finder" anymore, but I always tried it with the album cover. After I red your comment, I realized, that this option still exists. Even the Apple support didn't help me with my complain, that "show in finder" doesn't exist anymore. Using this workaround it would be quite useful to organize the tracks as a list (as previously in iTunes and without the album cover).

    I think you are right. The best option is to use another music store.

    But I still hope for a solution... 😬

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