Traktor S3 lifeless when connected via Studio Display

twentytwofour Member Posts: 4 Member

As the title says, I'm getting no signs of life from my S3 when connected to my MBP M1 Pro via the studio display ports.

Is this a known issue/does anyone know of a fix for it please?

S3 --> MacBook = fine

S3 --> USB C Dongle = fine

S3 --> Studio Display --> MacBook = nothing

S3 --> USB C Dongle --> Studio Display --> MacBook = nothing


Best Answer

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,308 mod
    Answer ✓

    We had the same issue here in the forum, i guess it's a mac issue you simply can't fix as far as I understand it's not a simple passive hub so there is a chip and whatnot inside. So just don't use the display USB ports for the S3. You can find a lot of posts about problems with that build in USB hub, for example, one guy has to disconnect a wireless mouse in order for other devices to work.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,308 mod
    Answer ✓

    We had the same issue here in the forum, i guess it's a mac issue you simply can't fix as far as I understand it's not a simple passive hub so there is a chip and whatnot inside. So just don't use the display USB ports for the S3. You can find a lot of posts about problems with that build in USB hub, for example, one guy has to disconnect a wireless mouse in order for other devices to work.

  • twentytwofour
    twentytwofour Member Posts: 4 Member

    So much for everything through one cable. Not cool from apple I guess then.

    If any solution arises please share and I'll make sure I do the same.

  • twentytwofour
    twentytwofour Member Posts: 4 Member

    So after some possibly related studio display updates, the S3 now (sometimes) shows when connected via the studio display. I mean sometimes as in very temperamental with no logic as to the process of getting it to show or not. On the occasions the controller does interact with Traktor Pro, you can see faders etc moving in sync with s3 interactions though no lights and no sound.

    Has anyone found a solution to this so far?

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