Did the "Project could NOT be saved" error ever get solved?

Hit-Man Member Posts: 31 Helper
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I just got the "Project could NOT be saved" error again. Was the reason why this error happens ever discovered? I know about the save group workaround but is there any other way to get rid of this error pop-up and save the project?


Best Answer


  • Hit-Man
    Hit-Man Member Posts: 31 Helper

    Is there still no way to this error?

  • Hit-Man
    Hit-Man Member Posts: 31 Helper
    edited November 2022

    I found away to get around the  "Project could NOT be saved" error. I finally was able to save my project.

    1. First... while trying to do the Group "Save as" workaround I came across a group that I couldn't save. That let me know that it was this Group that was causing the problem.
    2. Then I went in that Group and tried to copy and paste each sound to a new Group. While doing this I noticed there was one sound that I couldn't copy and paste. That let me know which sound in the Group was causing the problem.
    3. Since I couldn't copy and Paste that sound to a new Group I searched my computer for the sound. I found the same sample file on my computer and dragged it into a "NEW" Group.
    4. Then I tried to "Save as" again and it worked.

    So basically... putting the sound that was causing the problem in a new Group stopped the "Project could NOT be saved" error. BUT remember... I didn't copy and paste the sound from the group that was causing the problem because it wouldn't let me. I had to find the sample on my computer and dragged it in the new Group.

    But the question still remains... why was the "Snare" sample causing a problem in the first place? I had saved several copies of the project with that same Snare sample with no problem but then all of sudden it became a problem. WHY?

    This is still a workaround but I think this is easier than saving all the Groups and having to put your song back together again. Now we need someone else to get the "Project could NOT be saved" error so they can try this and see if it works again.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    It has never happened to me in last many years. Maybe there is something wrong with your disc (sample got corrupted or something similar like that...).

    But it might be helpfull id Maschine indicated, why it is not possible to save the project to help resolve the source of problem.

  • Hit-Man
    Hit-Man Member Posts: 31 Helper

    I just had the "Project could NOT be saved" error pop up again and this method worked again!!!!

    Like I said before... this method is easier than saving all the groups and trying to piece your song back together.

  • Arecki
    Arecki Member Posts: 13 Member

    I confirm the problem. Fortunately, it worked the way of a colleague. Unfortunately, I could not drag and drop. No reaction. I reset the sound slot (problem with the Clap 808X drum sample) I called Maschine from the search engine. It was fired from the level of Admin. Thank you for your time and willingness to write this.

  • Hit-Man
    Hit-Man Member Posts: 31 Helper

    So... did this method worked for you? I can't understand whether you're saying that this method worked or that it didn't work.

  • Kantum
    Kantum Member Posts: 4 Member

    I'm having the same issue right now.

    It would be nice to be able to reproduce the problem, for me the group was the only one with automation.

    I tried to isolate the problem like Hit-Man but it ended up with a crash 😥

  • filip pietrzykowski
    filip pietrzykowski Member Posts: 45 Helper

    ...it just happened to me first time.

    I tested ADSR sample manager, it does the job much better then Maschine.

    Anyway, I tried all of this, and finally removed each sample from the group...still no luck...

    I cancelled few hours of my work, there were no other option..:/

    Actually I cleaned entire group:), removed everything from each channel one by one, and still it didnt allow me to SAVE the project:(

    ...common NI team...

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,801 mod
    Answer ✓

    @filip pietrzykowski This kind of issue is always linked to permission issues on your computer. Try to save your projects to another location of your computer.

    This particular fix from @Hit-Man is most probably a different issue.

    If you are unable to save any Maschine project, then

    1. Make sure to run Maschine as administrator, if you're on PC: How to Run a Program as an Administrator
    2. Make sure that Maschine has full disk access if you're on Mac: How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS
    3. Create a new user account with admin rights/priviledges on your computer.
  • filip pietrzykowski
    filip pietrzykowski Member Posts: 45 Helper

    tested, didnt work....had to gave up half day of tweaking:/

    and besides how I can 'run' it as admin if its already running and cannot be closed/saved, only discard savings can close the project....

    I am on WIn10/PC

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,801 mod

    @filip pietrzykowski Even with a new Windows user account? You can get in touch with our support here, maybe my colleagues can offer more advice: https://bit.ly/NI_support_maschine

  • filip pietrzykowski
    filip pietrzykowski Member Posts: 45 Helper

    ...it just happened to me first time.

    I tested ADSR sample manage

    I dunno what you mean by 'new Window user'?

    ANyway, thanks for support but it's too late, after several hours of struggle, I gave up:/

    and close the project without saving.

    Now I think maybe just shutting down computer would at least have a SAFE copy?

    I think I had this problem once 2 years ago, I have no idea what was the reason of that....

    Anyway, a lot of work has gone, the fact is I use Maschine 90% as midi mixer, audio mixer, host for vst plugs and vst instruments. Once I started using vsti more as well as samples/loops the problem occured.

    Most of the time, I don't touch the template I have created with all hardware synthesizers ins/out and monitoring set. In such a case, things like this never happen.

    Just to add one more time - I tried all above solutions, actually I came to the point I removed everything from the entire GROUP, all vst, vsti, audio loops, samples, everything...and it still did not allow me to SAVE project.

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