macOS 13 Ventura compatibility with Traktor Pro

fanatax Member Posts: 21 Helper
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

My mac now asks me if I want to upgrade to macOS Ventura since it's been officially released.

Is it okay to upgrade regarding Traktor Pro?



  • meh
    meh Member Posts: 10 Member

    FYI I am on OSX Venture and not experiencing any problems with both Traktor Pro and NI Traktor S3 controller.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,213 mod
    edited October 2022

    What other hardware do you use (if any) and what software version?

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,936 admin

    Hi @fanatax we should be able to confirm macOS Ventura compatibility in a week or so. Please hang in there!

  • ThorAdam
    ThorAdam Member Posts: 6 Member
    edited November 2022

    I installed Ventura in the middle of last week (25th or 26th October). It worked fine with my Kontrol S4 (apart from the exFAT / Fat32 formatted hard drives). I used my S4 the last time on Sunday, 30th (several days after I updated to Ventura). I wanted to use S4 again today. But all of a sudden I was asked for "USB-Connection-Permission" (deutsch: Verbinden des Zubehörs erlauben) but S4 is not connecting to Traktor any more.

    I would blame it on the Ventura compatibility problems (NI statement of October 24th). But it has worked for about 5 days and without doing any changes on my soft- and hardware it just stopped working.

    Any ideas?

  • polygenics
    polygenics Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    S2MK3 and X1 Mk2 user here, just upgraded to Ventura, everything working just fine on my M1 Macbook Pro 14"

  • trippcore
    trippcore Member Posts: 1 Member

    Someone who confirms that the Z2 works with Traktor 3.6.2 in Ventura?

  • pmistretta
    pmistretta Member Posts: 2 Member

    Any update on this / Traktor compatibility in Ventura? Been 2 weeks now.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,936 admin

    Hi @pmistretta unfortunately the Traktor team has identified a bug so a new estimation is early next year. While this is subject to change, rest assured it's the team's priority.

  • Antal
    Antal Member Posts: 2 Member

    Hi guys,

    unfortunately I've installed Ventura on my MacBook Pro M1, Traktor pro 3 is working but my external hard drive is not visible under Explorer in the left menu, it was visible before (The external drive is visible on my Mac though). The problem now is if I put new music on my external hard drive it seems to impossible to import new music to my library in traktor pro 3 because I can't find the hard drive and files?

    Music what was imported before the update is working fine.

    Is there a solution for my problem?

  • Eric Buedts
    Eric Buedts Member Posts: 6 Member

    Does Ventura work with the D2 and Traktor 3?

    TIP to Native Instruments Traktor 3

    When are you finally going to work faster when a new update of the Traktor 3 software is released. Does it always have to take weeks or even months before it is compatible with Traktor 3?????

  • Tellmeaboutit123
    Tellmeaboutit123 Member Posts: 493 Guru

    I don’t know the size of the team but give them a bit of slack. 3.7 looking pretty stable now. I hear you though development and updates are pretty slow. On one hand I’m really grateful Traktor is being worked on after lay offs etc but on the other hand we’re paying customers with some now paying for subscription. I’ll look at 2023 which really needs to be the year Traktor moves on with those improvements and features needed. If that doesn’t happen then for me Traktor will be in a whole heap of difficulty.

  • Eric Buedts
    Eric Buedts Member Posts: 6 Member

    Yes I know there have been layoffs etc. But if you take out a subscription like me, you expect something for that subscription.

    And I don't know yet whether I should transfer my Macbook Pro to the latest Ventura and whether my D2, which also cost a lot of money, will work.

    For my part, I will test the beta 3.7.

    So anyone who knows more about my questions will do me a great service.

  • Eric Buedts
    Eric Buedts Member Posts: 6 Member

    By the way, are there people who work at taktor and Native not on this forum? They can get answers to questions themselves faster!

  • Hugin
    Hugin Member Posts: 7 Member

    I would wait to upgrade untill NI says its compatible....

This discussion has been closed.
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