Need Soft Takeover for Pioneer XDJ-700!



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,214 mod

    Then I fear, it's not possible for that model, and i also wondering why it has no pickup mode in the first place, with the provided integration. It's a shame for that money you pay for that devices, pioneer should have delivered a better driver/mapping, even later. I played a bit around with different mappings from pioneer and there are ones where you have some options on a page where exactly that pickup mode is an option, or, as you already said, you at least can overmmap it.

  • Aleix Jiménez
    Aleix Jiménez Member Posts: 72 Advisor

    To add further info…

    The HID mapping for the XDJ-700, XDJ-1000MK2 and CDJ-3000 are mapped with a QML layer that then communicates to the hardware with C++, I believe.

    In order to address this, through QML I already attempted to add a softtakeover tempo fader (as it’s done for the S8/D2 stem/remix volume faders), without success.

    The issue was (if I remember correctly) that the tempo-fader currently outputs values between 0 (top) and 1 (bottom), whereas the app property for the “virtual” tempo fader moves between -1 and 1, hence, only having one part of the fader working —> softtakeover worked, but the whole physical fader behaved as it was moving only in the bottom part of the “virtual” fader, not sure if I’m being clear enough

    This is something that only the NI team can fix, I fear.

  • DJBoni
    DJBoni Member Posts: 39 Member
    edited October 2022

    It's not possible until the NI team fixes it, as Aleix Jiménez wrote.

    I contacted Pioneer's helpdesk and got this quick answer:


    (Pioneer DJ Global) 

    Oct 11, 2022, 20:07 GMT+9 

     Thank you for reaching out to us at Pioneer DJ and I'd be happy to help you with your enquiry on rekordbox.

     For products such as our DJ players, HID or MIDI control mode is not mandatory. Our CDJ series, such as your XDJ-700 player, are primarily designed for standalone with USB playback utilizing onboard processing without the need for a computer.

    We understand that some lower-priced models, such as our DJ controllers, support rekordbox Hardware Unlock features or are bundled with third-party DJ software programs. These products are designed primarily for use with rekordbox performance mode and/or third-party DJ software programs and they are distributed with the corresponding bundled software license key.

     If your DJ unit isn't a Hardware Unlock device to rekordbox or another DJ software, you'll need to take out the relevant subscription plan to use selected functions of your chosen DJ software.

     You can check and compare the features and prices for each plan for rekordbox ver. 6 and choose the subscription plan that best blends with your lifestyle or check the license/subscription page of your chosen DJ software site.

     I hope you find the information above helpful.

    If I can provide further help, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

     All the best


    Pioneer DJ

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Oct 11, 2022, 13:39 GMT+9 

    Hi, i need Soft Takeover in Traktor for my pair of Pioneer XDJ-700's!

    See >

    Can you maybe help me out? 

    Thanks in advance.


    I tried Pioneer's Rekordbox software several times, it works perfect with the XDJ-700's (that is to say with my Pioneer DDJ-XP2 subcontroller connected as well) and Pioneer choose 'soft takeover' as standaard setting, but I love Traktor DJ which I'm working with for more then 10 years. But NI chooses NOT to set soft takeover as standard for whatever reason. That wasn't a problem till now with the XDJ-700's which are unusable this way for me as wedding en event DJ.

  • DJBoni
    DJBoni Member Posts: 39 Member

    Thanks four your further info. Yes, only he NI team can fix this. I contacted their helpdesk as well, but no answer yet. I think fixing this in their software, which means giving the users of the XDJ-700 and probably also the XDJ-1000MK2 the option to activate 'soft takeover' like there is for the CDJ-3000, is no priority.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,214 mod

    I don't know if that's a native thing, normally pioneer provides drivers and mappings, like all other manufacturers. As a manufacturer you maybe get a toolkit for developing your interface to the software you want to control, the simplest thing is there of course the midi standard where you need no toolkit. But maybe with HID and Traktor it's different and native did the integration. I also got no answer so far from native. So i think it will never work with that device. Both or at least one of both, pioneer and/or native have no interest i fear. Then maybe buy another controller for Traktor is the way to go, use time code CDs is maybe also an option. Or go stand alone but you wrote you want to use traktor. Really ****** how can one make an integration with a fader and no soft takeover.

  • DJBoni
    DJBoni Member Posts: 39 Member
    edited October 2022

    Uwe303: You wrote: "Really ***** how can one make an integration with a fader and no soft takeover."

    Yes, indeed!

    Especially since Pioneer's own Recordbox, VirtualDJ, and Algoriddim's djay pro al work fine with the XDJ-700 and have soft takeover as standaard setting. I've tested that myself.

    But maybe there is some hope since i received another reply from Pioneer. See...

    Pioneer DJ Global)

    Oct 12, 2022, 19:11 GMT+9

    Thank you for getting back to me and for providing us with the additional details of your request.

    I am checking this with my team and I'll be in touch very soon with an update.


    Thanks for you fast reply.

    I have no problem using my XDJ-700’s with my laptop and Rekordbox since I connect my Pioneer DDJ-XP2 subcontroller as well. But i can’t get used to recordbox. Most of all since there are still no "recursive contents Subplaylists”; See my request from April 2019.

    So as a long time Traktor user I was happy to see this announcement >

    Which made me buy a pair of XDJ-700’s. Thinking I could easily activate ’soft takeover’ as explained by Native instruments at How to Overmap the CDJ 3000 with TRAKTOR PRO 3.

    But not so for the XDJ-700 and probably not with the XDJ-1000mk2 as well.

    Big bummer for me as a wedding and event DJ.

    So I thought maybe you would know and could explain me why it is only possible to overmap the CDJ 3000.

    Kind regards.

  • DJBoni
    DJBoni Member Posts: 39 Member
    edited October 2022

    Today I received a kind answer from NI support by email. See:

    (Native Instruments) 

    Oct 12, 2022, 19:03 GMT+2 

    Hey Boni

    Thanks for contacting NI.

    Unfortunately, we don't offer support for third-party mappings with the Controller Manager. You can download one from sites like or, or you can build your own. But we can't help with the third-party mapping.

    I also highly recommend asking the Native Instruments community, as they are a very reliable resource:

    I apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Best regards


    Very kind, but this is not bringing me anywhere off-course. 😄

    I didn't ask support for any third mapping or self build one which don't work anyway in this situation. I replied with more explanation and also realized, once more, that it is only a matter of NI to implement this is Traktor DJ. 

    As a matter of fact, it is not that long in wasn't possible to overmap the CDJ 3000 with Traktor Pro 3 either i found today on this page Native Instruments / What's New in TRAKTOR PRO 3.6.1 There is stated under "What's New in TRAKTOR PRO 3.5.2":

    • ...Added Features
    • CDJ-3000 Custom Mapping Support
    • Most of the CDJ-3000's controls can be custom mapped individually to any mappable function in TRAKTOR.

    Today I also found a topic from 24 dec. 2020 on the old NI online community that shows me there was a time this was not possible. See > S4mk3 Soft takeover. When i bought my Traktor kontrol S4 MK3 it was already possible in Traktor DJ without the need for third-party mappings, which would not have worked either i assume. 

    So i'm gonna have to wait for a long time i'm afraid.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,214 mod

    Ahh ok this is good info - even if it gets you nowhere in the sense like you want things to be - but maybe to go on and look for other solutions i mentioned earlier, or get used to it, unfortunately that's how things go sometimes.

  • DJBoni
    DJBoni Member Posts: 39 Member
    edited October 2022

    @Uwe303: I became even smarter right now. 🙃

    I don't have a CJD 3000 but added one in control manager and boom, i can instantly add a tempo adjust control and check the box in front of 'soft Takeover'. see screenshot...

    This way i even got an answer for my question if it would be possible to activate Soft takeover for the XDJ-1000mk2 (which i also don't own) by adding one in the control manager, and no, same story as my XDJ-700: no custom mapping support available. See screenshot...

    So it's up to NI to add this for the XDJ-700 & XDJ-1000mk2 in future Traktor updates. Meanwhile i have to wait and hope they do it one day. I think 'im gonna switch to Pioneer's Recordbox while waiting for this. I prefer working with traktor DJ, but have no other solution if i want to have 'normal' pitchfader behavior on my XDJ-700's.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,997 mod

    NI did it for the S8, S4Mk3 and D2 long after their release without overmapping capabilities. You should place your request in the section for suggestions. Don't get your hopes up to far. The above mentioned controllers are NI devices and even the S5 didn't get this treatment.

  • DJBoni
    DJBoni Member Posts: 39 Member

    @Sûlherokhh: Read my first post in this topic. I've already posted a request in the section for suggestions in June. For sure I realise not to get my hopes to far on this issue. It must be a lot of programming work for NI to include overmapping capabilities I assume. And they must have a lot of work fixing the bugs in version 3.6 and 3.6.1.

    That's why my focus goes to working with Pioneer's recordbox. The moment i get overmapping capabilities for my XDJ-700's i will probably return to Traktor DJ.

  • DJBoni
    DJBoni Member Posts: 39 Member
    edited October 2022

    Native Instruments sent me to the Pioneer support team who sent me back to Native Instruments since their engineering team is not familiar with the overmap.

    Emails from both support teams below.


    Ryan (Native Instruments)

    Oct 14, 2022, 15:24 GMT+2

    Hey Boni,

    Thanks for getting back.

    I don't have a straightforward answer for you as to why this is not possible with the XDJ-700. To my knowledge, this process is only available for CDJs.

    That being said, on Pioneer's website, it seems to be supported, however there is no information on our website that says the same...

    It might be worth contacting their support team, as they have more resources regarding their own devices than we do.

    Please let me know if you have any further questions.

    Best regards,


    25 okt. 2022, at 12:24

    Hiromichi (Pioneer DJ Global) 

    Oct 25, 2022, 19:24 GMT+9 

    Hi Boni,

     I'm very sorry for the late reponse.

    Is it possible for you to contact the Native Instruments support to confirm?

     It seems our engineering team is not familiar with the overmap...

     Thank you for your cooperation.

    Best regards,

    Pioneer DJ Support

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,214 mod

    cause best would be if this would be implemented in the first place, without the need to "overmmap" it. It's also not really an overmmap cause you map the same fader. So my guess is that is the source of the confusion

  • DJBoni
    DJBoni Member Posts: 39 Member
    edited October 2022

    @Uwe303: Thanks for making this clear and simple!

    It seems a complicated issue. But if it is so complicated, why on earth do Pioneer's Rekordbox, VirtualDJ and algoriddims DJAY let the fader on the XDJ-700 work as I want it? They give you simply no choice in how the pitch fader reacts. It is alway's set as soft takeover. I've tested that.

    I still don't understand why NI chooses NOT to implement soft takeover as the standard way at all. They must think (and know) that the average Traktor DJ user does not want soft takeover on the pitch fader. Very strange. I didn't know that the average Traktor user was so different.

    I sent the reply from the Pioneer support team to the Native instruments support team and got this kind answer:


    Ryan (Native Instruments) 

    Oct 25, 2022, 22:25 GMT+2 

    Hey Boni,

    As I've already mentioned, we do not officially support this type of control or takeover for the XDJ-700, please refer to the link below (as you already have)

    How to Set Up a Pioneer DJ Device for Advanced HID Control with TRAKTOR

    The device is not compatible. I'm not saying that Pioneer is responsible for this, but I am saying that we do not officially support it. Pioneer, however, states that they support it:

    I apologize for the inconvenience. There is nothing more we can do on our end. Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Best regards,



    Nothing to do about it.

    Anyone who buy's a (pair of) XDJ-700 or 1000mk2 planning it to use with Traktor DJ must realise the pitch fader works as mostly used only in the Traktor DJ world.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,214 mod

    No - this has nothing to do with a different traktor dj thing, even my very old digital jockey 2 has soft takeover on those faders - otherwise they are useless if you use some automatic beatmatch but also want to pitch up or down a track while playing. I feel with you i would be absolutely pi.. ähhmm not amused.

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