Spotlight Collection Cuba --> can patterns be put into a beat?

ChrisBarkh Member Posts: 4 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hi everyone,

Awhile back I bought the Cuba expansion and discovered the patterns that come with it.

Here, "Salsa Basic 1" ist displayed. Is it possible to put these patterns into a beat on Maschine MK3? Or are these just for your listening pleasure?

Thanks a lot for any tipp & have a great day!


Best Answers

  • Brad Yost
    Brad Yost Member Posts: 354 Pro
    edited September 2022 Answer ✓

    If you have (your example instrument) open in Komplete Kontrol, right click on the piano patch in the KK browser under Cuba and "find in explorer"


    navigate to the actual library in your Computer to <Cuba/Library Data/MIDI Files Browser OR MIDI Files Data> and you'll find the MIDI files in there for the patterns. Some of these contain multiple tracks for all of the playing instruments of the pattern.

    Drag & drop to your DAW and they will populate several MIDI tracks with data. Pick the instrument/pattern that you want and export it as a single MIDI file, or try to copy it by drag & drop to another location and then import into Maschine.


  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert
    Answer ✓

    The patterns cannot be Dragged and Dropped into Maschine, but you can use the Midi note (key switch) assigned to the pattern to trigger it... I would suggest reading section 3 (3.4 to be exact) of the Cuba manual on how to use the patterns...

  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Maschine 2 is a DAW (of sorts) and you can certainly use the Cuba patterns as Part of a song created with Maschine…

    if you add Cuba to a sound slot, select that slot and then go into Keyboard mode. Change the Pad range to start at C1 by pressing “Octave-“ until the root note is C1. Now you can play the patterns via the Pads. You can record the events just like any other instrument.


  • Brad Yost
    Brad Yost Member Posts: 354 Pro
    edited September 2022 Answer ✓

    If you have (your example instrument) open in Komplete Kontrol, right click on the piano patch in the KK browser under Cuba and "find in explorer"


    navigate to the actual library in your Computer to <Cuba/Library Data/MIDI Files Browser OR MIDI Files Data> and you'll find the MIDI files in there for the patterns. Some of these contain multiple tracks for all of the playing instruments of the pattern.

    Drag & drop to your DAW and they will populate several MIDI tracks with data. Pick the instrument/pattern that you want and export it as a single MIDI file, or try to copy it by drag & drop to another location and then import into Maschine.


  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert
    Answer ✓

    The patterns cannot be Dragged and Dropped into Maschine, but you can use the Midi note (key switch) assigned to the pattern to trigger it... I would suggest reading section 3 (3.4 to be exact) of the Cuba manual on how to use the patterns...

  • ChrisBarkh
    ChrisBarkh Member Posts: 4 Member

    Thanks a lot @Brad & Blindeddie!

    I do not have a DAW yet, still working only in Maschine 2, so I hoped that these patterns could be part of a beat you create in/with Maschine MK3. But it seems these piano patterns can only be part of a song if you have a DAW.... Thanks again!

  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Maschine 2 is a DAW (of sorts) and you can certainly use the Cuba patterns as Part of a song created with Maschine…

    if you add Cuba to a sound slot, select that slot and then go into Keyboard mode. Change the Pad range to start at C1 by pressing “Octave-“ until the root note is C1. Now you can play the patterns via the Pads. You can record the events just like any other instrument.

  • ChrisBarkh
    ChrisBarkh Member Posts: 4 Member

    Got it! Thanks a lot Blindeddie!

    For the Piano patterns you actually have to go down below C0 and that's what I missed the whole time. The patterns start at C-2. *facepalm*

  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert

    Glad you got it sorted, but kind of confused that your patterns start at C-2 since they are hardcoded to start at C1🤪....

  • ChrisBarkh
    ChrisBarkh Member Posts: 4 Member

    It's a different story with the piano. The patterns are located on the keys C-2 to B-2 (Piano starts at A-1):

    And there are no keys shown on the picture either.

  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert

    I see, the patterns start at C-2 so you have the full piano range whereas the ensembles have a more limited key range... you never mentioned which NKI, so I just assumed one of the melodics... sorry for the confusion. and if there is no Key picture, you can open the Kontakt Virtual KB and the Pattern Key Switches will be highlighted Red.

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