Importing instruments from Maschine into Logic Pro X?

phendetta Member Posts: 2 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hi there,

Ive got a Maschine MK3 and I absolutely love the sounds and instruments it comes with, and making instruments myself on there. However, I find the studio interface… not the best (sorry) so I’d prefer to work mostly in my DAW, which is Logic Pro X. I can use the Maschine as a controller in my DAW no problem, but I can’t figure out a way to actually import the instruments from Maschine into Logic. Like I’d like to be able to just play these instruments, especially the drum kits, in Logic, even if I’m not using the Maschine as a controller (like during travel), so that they would just appear as presets in Logic. Does anyone know how to do this? I was able to do this w NI’s community drive but can’t figure out how to do it w the drum kits that come w Maschine. Let me know, thank you!


Best Answer

  • Tony Jones
    Tony Jones Member Posts: 261 Pro
    Answer ✓

    You can just load Maschine in Logic Pro on a channel then get it to load a kit. With some fiddling you can get logic drummer to play it


  • Tony Jones
    Tony Jones Member Posts: 261 Pro
    Answer ✓

    You can just load Maschine in Logic Pro on a channel then get it to load a kit. With some fiddling you can get logic drummer to play it

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 518 Pro

    You can also route 16 pads to 16 different channels in logic so you get full control of every sound. Instead of just having maschine run as an AU on one channel playing all sounds from within maschine, you can use maschine and record all pads separately.

  • ShelLuser
    ShelLuser Member Posts: 254 Pro
    edited September 2022

    Definitely use the plugin; it will also allow you to export both MIDI & audio data out of your sounds and copy that directly into your DAW (supported by most DAW's so I'd assume it also works with Logic). See the two small icons on the right side of the Maschine plugin:

    Here I have the Maschine plugin in Live, I loaded the default 808 kit + its patterns. Check my marker: you can use those to copy either the MIDI data or the (re)sampled sound into your DAW. That might also help.

    This is your best option to get the instruments and such "into" Logic.

    However... 2 more things: keep in mind that Maschine can also use Komplete, and those plugins can also be easily used individually in other DAW's as well. Second... a lot of the sounds in Maschine are build on samples. You can even see this in my screenshot: the 808 kick is basically the Sampler instrument.

    Many of those samples, not all, can also be found in the Maschine library:

    And those sample files can be used one on one in other sample based instruments as well:

    Just for the record to showcase that I'm not making things up here:

    Notice the resemblence?

    I merely dragged the Kick 808-1.wav file into Live's sampler and you can see the result above. So while you can't just import all of Maschines instruments into Logic you can use a lot of its "core data" (as I like to call it).

    Hope this can also help!

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