Native access stuck on installing "previews"



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,568 mod
    edited October 2022

    There used to be an error message specific to this issue and we still have the article here: Native Access Installation Error: "Fatal Error: Can't write..." (Windows)

    Check section 3 of the article. Our knowledge base will make a new article soon.

  • evans_ch
    evans_ch Member Posts: 3 Member

    i did and this did work thanks

  • tikaal
    tikaal Member Posts: 1 Newcomer


    i read the answers and i get what i need to do, but i just can't stop the install to reinstall it

    thank you

  • Kfire
    Kfire Member Posts: 2 Member

    Concerning simply trying to cancel a stuck install of the previews. The only solution I found was to uninstall Native Access 2 and revert to Native Access 1. I was then able to fully install the previews to the shorter path. I tried upgrading back to Native Access 2 afterwards. But it was still stuck thinking it was installing it. So I have reverted to version 1 until a new release irons out this bug. Or until I get advice on how to reset version 2.

    You can find version 1 of Native Access here

  • Kfire
    Kfire Member Posts: 2 Member

    Just an update. After following the above procedure uninstall version 1, restart your computer, then install version 2 again. Version 2 should be back working again without being stuck installing previews

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,568 mod
    edited December 2022 Answer ✓

    Little update on this issue:

    First check this article: Native Access Is Stuck on Installing Previews

    Then if Native Access is still stuck, please carry out the following workaround:

    1.  Quit Native Access and restart your computer (this is really important)
    2. Run the Previews installer directly via the following link, and make sure to select a short installation path.
    3. Restart Native Access

  • Tom Daniels
    Tom Daniels Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I'm sorry that I have to say this, but I find it very inappropriate to force us users to search for errors and implement workarounds in a cumbersome manner when the unnecessary cause lies in the programming of the path generation.

    I and probably many others are trying to keep order in data management. I have many plugins from many different manufacturers and I don't see why I have to mess up my clean folder structure just because Native Instruments is too lazy to change the installer. It's bad enough that your software doesn't include an option to change the install path without manually moving it in the file manager and then rescanning everything.

    So I expect that you will fix it quickly with an upcoming update. After all, we pay a significant amount of money for this product.

  • AndJim
    AndJim Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Just downloaded Komplete Standard today, last day of the sale. Everything installed except Previews which stayed installing for ages. I used Task Manager to stop the install loop by clicking 'end task' on two incidents of NI Previews exe. in Background Processes. This caused Access to give a fail for the install and a reinstaIl option. I'm grateful to the post above that a shorter path name solved the problem with installing Previews. I made a shorter path for library location in Access Preferences with F:/NIPreview and the new download and install worked. I copied the new Previews folder into my original folder with all the other libraries and Komplete plays all samples.

  • Josh Schroeder
    Josh Schroeder Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited August 2023

    As a long time user of Komplete, this preview bug is moronic.

    How is it that in 2023, we have software that:

    1. arbitrarily limits the amount of characters and / or folders
    2. doesn't inform the user of the potential issue
    3. doesn't communicate the issue to the user while it's happening
    4. cannot cancel the installation action

    Love your stuff NI, but this is embarrassing.

  • ruedboy
    ruedboy Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    This is honestly shocking. NI can't structure their program to be able to install in THEIR DEFAULT directory. That just says it all.

  • Tom Daniels
    Tom Daniels Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    It is now a year and a half later and the product error is still unresolved. The only thing Native Instruments has offered is to force the user to do an unnecessary workaround because apparently they are either too stupid or don't care about their customers.

    Some time ago, with a lot of effort, I managed to install this preview folder in a different location. Now I have a new PC, but I installed the old hard drive with the data there. The problem is that the "Relocate" function doesn't work and I can now download and install everything again and have to somehow figure out this workaround for the previews again. And all of this just because there are a bunch of ignorant armchair farts at Native Instruments who don't even think it's necessary to really answer the questions of users in the forum. And the solution is very simple: just shorten these completely unnecessary paths (example: "\Previews\Samples\1a1472ae-ca0e-40de-b448-dda5654632f0\Instruments\3 Trombones\.previews\Trombones Expression.nki.ogg", and that's it it will work again. And fix the Relocate function - it can't be that difficult.

    And now just once again so that you understand it too: This is your job and not that of your customers!

  • DPFranz
    DPFranz Member Posts: 9 Member

    This fixed the issue for me. Thanks! Odd that this hasn't been fixed yet, more than a year later?

  • Jason K
    Jason K Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I'm sorry but it is now 2024 and this is still an issue? I have been downloading and installing Komplete all day, and now I run into this same issue that has been ongoing for years.

    Do you mean I have to uninstall everything I have done over the last 24 hours and rename the file path?

    I currently have D:/studio/library/native-Instruments

    Are you telling me this is too long?

    It's like an 8G file and it is downloading 7.11G and not doing anything else.

    This CPU is 0% for this process.

    You must have a patch for this by now.

    NI can someone help, i don't really want to make special exceptions for NI in my file structures.

    This is a brand new computer and I have had this planned out, how is this even possible?

    Please help.

  • Jason K
    Jason K Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Ok. Easy Fix

    First yes it has to do with file path length.

    original path with all other content is: D: Studio/Library/Native-Instruments

    In the Studio Folder, I just created a new folder D:/Studio/Library/NI

    This changed the file path content location under File Management to D:/Studio/Library/NI

    Then reinstalled just the Previews to this location.

    Then once that installed ok, and it did. Then went back to file manager and changed the path back to D: Studio/Library/Native-Instruments to install the rest of the library.

    Worked fine after that. Only took half a day to get it sorted.

    Massive pain in my ass, but it's now sorted.

  • miracler
    miracler Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I faced the same issue on Win10 with Native Access 2 yesterday.

    It was already mentioned but I want to echo that it's a shame:

    1. There is no notification explaining the potential reason for the infinite install in the app even though this is a known bug with a reply posted by NI in December 2022 (1.5 years!). So I had to spend time researching it.
    2. The NI app fails to install its own NI library with default file management settings. And again, no warning before you start the installation.
    3. In my case, there was no way to cancel that infinite Previews installation - no X icon, no cancel button. Only rebooting the system helped.

    Eventually, I managed to install the Previews by changing the Content folder (in the File Management section of Preferences) to "C:/NI". It's worth mentioning, that at some point, Native Access refused to open up folder settings, and clicking did not work for any section (Download, Application, Content, etc.), so I had to reboot Windows again.

    Now, I have questions. I would appreciate some feedback.

    1. After installing Previews to a shorter path, I found another folder named "Previews" in the default libraries folder. Obviously, it was created when the failed install attempt was performed. That folder has 7 GB (while the successful one has more than 8 GB). What am I supposed to do with this folder now? Is it safe enough to just kill it?
    2. Should I keep the right Previews folder in that short path or can I relocate it to the same default folder used for all other libraries?
    3. For some reason, after all the actions, Native Access, upon its launching, does not show the message about loading dependencies and does not request approval for the command line launch - as it used to do every time before. Is that fine?
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