Pro 3 doesn't recognize Traktor Kontrol S4 MK2

Olli_H Member Posts: 1 Member

Hello, I bought a used kontrol S4 mk2 and my problem is that I can't connect it to my laptop.

I had a normal s4 before that, but not with my current one. The usb flashes constantly and the cable is also quite loose in the usb hub or wobbly and can be plugged in and pulled out very easily.

I reinstalled drivers, but neither the laptop nor Traktor Pro3 recognizes it.

does anyone have an idea?

Thank you and have a sunny day

Mfg Olli


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,149 mod


    so you mean the usb b port on the backside of the device? Does it have the plastic thing in the middle, where the 4 contacts are sitting. Have you tried another cable? It sometimes can come out after heavy and wrong use. You can give it back, or if not you maybe have a friend who can soldier (or you can do it, but then you wouldn't have asked i guess) then he can maybe change it for a replacement usb b port.

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