Traktor 3 Pro is not showing up on "MY PRODUCTS, SERIALS, AND DOWNLOADS"

gabomayz Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

I got the X1 a couple of days ago but I been meaning to update traktor 3 (which comes with the X1) to traktor 4 but I can't see my traktor 3 license listed on the "MY PRODUCTS, SERIALS, AND DOWNLOADS" online.

I've been afraid to purchase the update because it doesn't look like it that I would purchasing an update if the license doesn't show up

What can I do?

Best Answer

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,220 mod
    Answer ✓

    If it's a recent purchase (after the release of TP4) I believe you should get TP4 included with the product. @Jeremy_NI or @Mert_NI can probably confirm, or you can contact account support here -


  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,220 mod

    Did you buy a new X1 MK3 from Native Instruments or a shop? If you did you should have received Traktor Pro 4 with the hardware so you won't need to purchase it again.

  • gabomayz
    gabomayz Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    I got my X1 from Sweetwater and it cane with traktor 3 from the box

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,220 mod
    Answer ✓

    If it's a recent purchase (after the release of TP4) I believe you should get TP4 included with the product. @Jeremy_NI or @Mert_NI can probably confirm, or you can contact account support here -

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