CREDIT MEMO what is?

Piertab Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

I have asked for return product and i have received a pdf with credit memo… what is? There is no explanation about it.

Someone else have had some issue?



  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,246 Expert
    • Open Google
    • Type in credit memo
    • Press Enter

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,501 mod
    edited February 5

    I think that it means that you will get the amount on the memo refunded or that the amount has already been refunded and will show up on your account after whatever time needed for it to do so..

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,818 Expert
    edited February 5

    I think approving some types of patronizing answers even with a “Funny” from a Moderator is not the right way to make this forum more welcoming and a good space for everyone…

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,308 mod
    edited February 5

    If something is funny, then it is funny. And makes life, even forum life, more bright.

    I would always prefer this, than your constant "political correct-ism" and your continuous "you are such a bad boys" attitude.

    You know that despite our disagreements, i like you. But, for goodness shake, who appointed you a judge, mate? Live, and let live.

    If a member does not like a specific attitude, he can report it, proper apologies will be made, and all good!
    It is a much healthier approach of life.

    Marking a comment as "funny" (because it is) does not imply disrespect towards the member. Otherwise, the "funny" reaction wouldn't have place here. It implies that the comment itself is funny, for some at least.

    I have 24 "funny" reactions in my comments, and never bothered to see by who, neither i thought that this is something "against me".

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 685 Guru
    edited February 5

    Well, it was a sarcastic answer but it made me smirk, so yes, funny it was 😜

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,246 Expert

    The way I look at it is: When you're at school, the teachers don't just give you the answers. They guide you, so that you can find the answer yourself. 🙂

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,818 Expert
    edited February 5

    As you want. You also help a lot, I admit.

    But you know exactly what you constantly do with many users: you continuously patronize them, mock them, show them how stupid they are cause they don’t “read the manual” or something else.

    Your answer about “being the teacher” and the guide says it all.

    Btw: I’ve been a teacher. If I “guided” someone in that patronizing way, the day after I would have had to find another job.

    About the other comment and the new “funny” from another “moderator”… no comment…it’s better

    But…it seems all of this is “funny” in nowadays standards, so I’ll shut up. I have a different idea of “funny” than making fun of others.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 685 Guru
    edited February 5

    I find good-hearted prodding someone at the right direction to find a solution on their own better than spoon-feeding them with answers, but that’s just me.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,501 mod
    edited February 5

    Agree. It all depends on HOW you do it

    And N.I. hired you as referee ?

    (Sorry , I should not have taken your bait despite how much you fish for it)(but too late to delete now without you complaining over that also)

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,818 Expert

    Let’s try a different approach… the so famous “constructive way”..

    @PK The DJ I would like to tell you that, although you maybe want to teach the people how to manage things themselves, the way you do it can often be seen as patronizing and denigrating others. This won’t lead to your goal of making them “independent”

    @mods: although you could find something funny, someone who could perceive the answers given to them as the typical ones from an internet troll will not be happy to see the people who should create a good environment for EVERYBODY laughing at it

    Then…if you don’t care…no problem

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,246 Expert

    A few days ago, a new user posted on the forum and literally asked "How do I use the software?"

    What would your reply have been? Would you write the entire contents of the manual, or post a link to it?


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,818 Expert

    No. they “hired” you (without paying). But… since you are not doing it and instead you laugh at it…

    But… I’m “fishing” and “complaining”… so…bye

    (And…please…remove that Vote Up of yours at my first comment, since now that you have your friends supporting you you play the though guy…)

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,501 mod
    edited February 5

    Actually , then (if you paid attention) then you would have seen that I actually upvoted your post also where you complained about my Funny vote. So I completely acknowledge that to some extend then you might have a point. But that doesn't mean that I have to fully agree with you as little as it means that I do not care. All that is your 'narrative' while you play judge/referee.


    (And…please…remove that Vote Up of yours at my first comment,


    since now that you have your friends supporting you you play the though guy…)


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,818 Expert
    edited February 5

    Last answer: no, you’re right. I would have not written the whole manual. I would have pointed him at some tutorials and, probably, the manual.

    But I would not have done it like you do, with that condescending way.

    That’s the difference: I read "How do I use the software?" And I think “how can I help him”. You read "How do I use the software?" and you think “what an idiot. Let’s prove it”.

    Practically you are doing with the ones you consider idiots exactly what I do with the ones I consider bullies…

    If then you want to pretend that you are not doing it to look better in the forum… ok. But you know it…

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