Native Access 3.17: VST2 locations and unsolved bugs

Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,308 mod


A nice surprise this morning, after Native Access has been updated to version 3.17.

VST2 Locations finally removed as i suggested over a year ago (for the 32 bit versions only) on this thread!

Since i already answer to some people who asked where are the VST2 and I'm sure, many more will ask, I wrote this thread as a reference.

As you may know already, very few apps still have VST2 versions, and before the end of 2025 no one will have, by any developer not just NI. Few devs may choose to continue support for a while, but for all major players (including their creator, Steinberg) it's a closed case. The end of the line.

Until then, your VST2's can be, practically, anywhere you like.

  • 1 - In their old NI locations:
    C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\VSTPlugins
  • 2 - In their default VST locations (where they should be, from the start, years ago!):
    C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins
    C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VSTPlugins (if you have Steinberg products installed)
  • 3 - In any custom folder you like!

The only really important thing is, to declare (add) this location (whatever location) in all your VST supported software. You add the folder, software sees it. That simple.



On the other hand, my one and only bug (since last year!) it is still here:

The bug with the 2 unknown/no-name/useless apps (actually Kontakt 5 and Reaktor 5) remains…

The only solution posted here by @Mert_NI last October, but really i have no intention to download and install a useless (to me) and archaic stuff that never owned anyway, and waste disc space and computer sources, for no reason…

It can not be that hard to fix this… :-)

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