Komplete Audio 6 MK2 Mac Sequoia M4 - sound issues

drmoniker Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

I recently switched to Mac (ironically for audio purposes) and my audio 6 mk2 is not working correctly. It's making the squeal it makes when the driver isn't installed. I did a firmware upgrade on my Windows machine (Mac refused to run the firmware updater) and verified the background processes are running, including several restarts, and granting full disk access.

Running through a hub and dock that works fine with Windows. I'll test running direct when I get a chance.

I'm hoping the answer is not downgrade the OS or buy a new interface, but I'm not sure what else to try.

Best Answer

  • drmoniker
    drmoniker Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    99% sure I found the issue - I have a Steel Series headset that is interfering with the audio. If the receiver is plugged directly in or on another port, no issues with interference on other USB audio, but if it's on anything sharing a path, massive interference.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    The Komplete Audio 6 mk2 is not yet officially supported on Sonoma but I assume it should still work. There are no drivers needed, it's plug and play and has been since a long time.

    Can you describe the issue in more details?

    Is it showing in your Audio & MIDI devices? Please check in Applications > Utilities > Audio & MIDI setup > Show Audio devices.

    How do you conect the soundcard to your Mac?

  • drmoniker
    drmoniker Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    It's showing and I can add the ins/outs in Ableton. I'm wondering if it just didn't like the dock. The dock worked fine for most things but wasn't thunderbolt or a mac specific one. On past macs I've been able to install the NI stuff and have it work (been awhile so I don't remember exactly what). I swapped onto a thunderbolt dock this morning that was specifically compatible w/the M4 and that seems to have fixed the issue. I have some more testing to verify, but it's working w/o anything installed currently.

    Path was mk2 > usb3 hub > usb c dock > machine

    It was making the bitcrush/buffer issue/old school dial up type noise.

    I still can't run the firmware updater, but I don't know how important that is.

    I was pretty sure the device should have been plug and play, so I was very confused.

    I'll probably test through just a usb-c hub when I'm doing the additional testing to do some additional sanity checking. I should be able to drop results here in a few days for informational purposes.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    Thanks a lot for sharing your findings. Keep us updated.

  • drmoniker
    drmoniker Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    99% sure I found the issue - I have a Steel Series headset that is interfering with the audio. If the receiver is plugged directly in or on another port, no issues with interference on other USB audio, but if it's on anything sharing a path, massive interference.

  • drmoniker
    drmoniker Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    YW! Let me know if there are any other things that would help with compatibility info. The audio 6 mk2 looks to be purely plug and play once I got the Steel Series out of the way.

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