Play Series available on Mpc but not Maschine+



  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 405 Pro

    OK so you chose ridicule then.

    You are comparing apples to oranges, you can compare Kontakt to MPCs sampler, but you can not compare Maschines sampler to MPC sampler, that is the exact reason why the sound designers behind the play series have been able to do versions for the MPC and not for Maschine.
    And no, it is very disingenuous of you to even compare Maschine Central to what has been done here, The play series on MPC has a full real time engine behind it, much like, albeit a little simplified, the Kontakt version, not just some autosampled instrument, that is simply put, just a bunch of samples.
    The fact that you are even trying to compare this with "Maschine Central is just as good" is absolutely ridiculous and makes you look ridiculous!

    Like I said, I am not even complaining, all I did was point out that you open yourself up to ridicule (as shown in this post) when you try to compare Maschine Centrals auto samples to a fully scripted and UI play series on MPC.

    How hard is it, and why is it so hard for any of you lot at NI to just say "Hey, we have to stay in business, so we are shipping our content out to a hardware platform that dwarfs our hardwares user base" honesty has always been in short supply at NI, and now it seems you have chosen to go down that same route!
    I am one of the ones who actually said NI Play stuff on MPC is a good thing, but you seem to just want to dig yourself a hole.

  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 405 Pro

    Oh and Kontakt is not too resource intensive for M+, it shipped with Kontakt banks day 1!

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert

    I stopped underlining what was wrong in the answers given because when IT’S ME doing it, they try the weapon of giving me warnings to shut me down.

    Luckily I’m not the only one noticing things

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru

    Hopefully they will before introducing and releasing new Maschine hardware, because as said M+ hardware should be capable enough to offer a better version of Kontakt. Especially when it comes to the new K8 features, as these are also available as separate features (arp, chords, seq, snapshots and scenes, auto-sampler, etc.) on Maschine, too.

    I do understand businesses need to gain profits, but they also need to maintain trust. If there’s one thing Akai does show case… a lot is possible on existing hardware. And, if you gained that momentum then that’s the time to bring on the new hardware people will buy.

    More realtime FX and synth engines need more CPU and RAM, but the current M+ hardware can do more when it comes to sample-based instruments than made available. Same goes for the UI… and NO, I’m not talking about those resource intensive animations and other non-functional eye-candy ******, but better visualization of envelopes like an ADSR or for instance Compressor or FX settings. K8 can Also be ported to M+, and so are its libraries. That’s why I think the desktop version needs a dedicated exporter for a ‘Maschine(+) Kontakt player’.

  • djneural
    djneural Member Posts: 38 Helper
    edited January 24

    I think we need a bit more of patience. NI has to make some money, and extending their content distribution channels is a great way to do that and give some cash to invest in hardware. No one should blame a company for trying to to earn money and prioritizing anything that can help them on that.

    Keep in mind that the MPC content announced is not a port of actual plugins to the MPC platform, they only ported sounds, while Akai on their side enhanced the MPC’s sampler and key groups to accommodate features Kontakt provides. And to take the example of Analog Dreams, you don’t get all the features MPC side, and the presets are not the same, the overall feel and types of sounds are similar and some of the presets are reproduced completely but not all.

    So for me, no, the hell did not freeze over, NI is not going to port all their plugins on MPC and abandon hardware, I think this type of conclusions are well exaggerated.

    As far as I am concerned, there is not much I’m asking in terms of features on my M+, it has pretty much everything I need and in standalone mode. I’m not concerned anymore about the performance, I know it is a standalone box and has limits so I deal with them. The feel of the hardware is amazing compared to the plastics of an MPC, but as you know, what you pay is what you get.

    Sure, would be cool to have some more content, and a well integrated vocoder (currently possible by adding some ensembles but quite clunky and not easy to use), but otherwise this box has all the features I would need.

    Of course this should work seamlessly with Maschine V3 software but NI has already committed on that.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert

    ”Hello everybody”

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru
    edited January 24

    Those names did show up before, but now it states “you cannot vote your own posting” (or something like that). Previously I could see who up or down voted my posts and replies, simply by clicking the corresponding buttons.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro

    yea, if people are going to downvote their ID should be revealed

    i recall doing a downvote on a longtime user… admittedly i downvoted becos i didnt like the answer, and i refused to accept it as the truth of the matter… that said it was also my way of saying…

    "im going to find a work-around" im not going to be constrained by limitations… this is my mindset now!

    but going back to the downvote matter…. people doing it anonymously without good reasoning highlights a persons intellect

  • dogbreath11
    dogbreath11 Member Posts: 112 Member

    at least we can all agree that ni is just one big let down every single time. they prioritize profits over customer care.

    none of their software works seamlessly and all they ever do is release new ****** sample packs instead of fixing things or giving us new features that are actually worth using. everything goes backwards and gets worse every time.

    i wish there was another sampler by another developer that was compatible with kontakt libraries. maybe ni should partner with uvi falcon and port all kontakt libraries there.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert

    If you want I can propose it to administrator. We already discussed it with her and I know why they think it’s better anonymous, but frankly…it’s not working.

    For me personally, it’s not a big deal… I just find the abuse really a poor man move…

    I don’t have any problem in people not agreeing with me having a way to express it. I just find useless to do it without arguing with a written post, in order to confront each other opinion.

    And about the guys using it as a weapon…without taking intellect in the equation, I always try to think that it’s poor people with a poor life and therefore if doing those thing on the internet makes them feel better…I’m quite happy to give them a relief 😏

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