PC, All Updates, Avid Link install of NI doesn't launch NI when "redeem" pressed

jlynker Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

Following the video instructions on installing NI from Avid Link, the install appears to go ok as in does not report an error. But also not success. Further following the video instructions, when I press redeem on the Protools Essentials, I get a Windows dialog which says "Get an app to access this 'native-access' link" - it appears protocol activation for these links are not correctly configured?

I then followed these instructions but the .NET in the installer has an unhandled exception.

How can I get Native Instruments properly installed so as to redeem my eligible products?


Best Answer


  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,055 mod

    This is an obvious question, but do you have Native Access installed and working on your system? If not you can download it from here - https://www.native-instruments.com/en/specials/native-access-2/

    If you do have it installed, exactly what is the error you get when you try to activate the software from Avid. And which software are you trying to activate? Is it the ProTools Kontakt Factory Essentials library?

  • jlynker
    jlynker Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thank you.. From Avid Link, through random online research, to NI's install video, no instruction gave me this info.. It would be nice if the Avid Link installer would detect and install if needed. I'm not sure if that's the intention of listing NI in Avid Link - if so, then the Installer they provide must be buggy. Again, didn't provide error or success .. just went silent and returned the button to Install. Latest everything as of 1/19.

    Ty again..

  • Mert_NI
    Mert_NI Customer Care Posts: 661 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hello jlynker, it seems like we will need further informations(including the screenshot of the issue), it can be better to escalate it individually. So, can you please create a support ticket or open a chat support using the link below:


    So our team can help you further to solve that as soon as possible.

    I hope this helps☺️

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