Komplete software HDPI ready

Troppo Red
Troppo Red Member Posts: 3 Newcomer


I can't use many software inside Komplete because I have a 2K monitor.

Reaktor and FM8 for example.

How can we ask NI to update the device in the era of Qhd and 4k screens?




  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,080 Expert

    All NI software is designed for the current world standard = 1920x1080.

    And Reaktor and FM8 are pretty much retired - no chance of any UI rewrites there.


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,818 Expert

    Quite interesting how stats can be used at pleasure (not talking about Vocalpoint, but the site per se).

    As an example, this stat seems to point that the majority of users set their monitor at 1920x1080, while only 22.98% do it.

    Summing other resolutions shows the vaste majority (77.02%) use OTHER resolutions (lower or higher).

    Even more interesting how they simply decided to ignore the “other” category (the dotted line), which is in facts the highest percentage, as seen in the graphic below the chart you posted

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,080 Expert
    edited January 18

    Mathematically speaking - all the other displayed resolutions are either derivatives from the Standard HD aspect ratio (16x9) or other "former" standard resolutions (usually associated with laptops - like 1400x900) making up 61.36 of all resolutions that actually have more than 4% of the overall world ranking

    Bottom line - chart or no chart - StatCounter has no skin in this game so if 3840x2160 is actually a thing - then why not just say so?

    However - none of this matters. All vendors build to standard HD - until they don't.


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,818 Expert
    edited January 18

    And why not saying what that “other” is composed of? Maybe it’s a lot of small percentage resolutions, all higher than 1920x1080. From the way they exposed things, we cannot know. I’m not saying they did it for a personal interest, but in any case it’s a poorly done job.

    It isn’t a critic towards you, but towards stats in general.

    I always had problems with stats. Leave alone when badly made.

    Let’s take this case as an example:

    There are so many things we don’t know form those stats (specially because so poorly presented)

    As already said, first is exactly about the biggest category (that “other” that they quite ignored). What does it even means? For what we know from their poor exposition, that “other” could be an ensemble of many resolutions all superior to 1920x1080, all scoring small percentages.

    Then we also have no info on which computers have been taken in consideration. Are them ALL computers on planet earth? In that case, they would include also all the computers used for work, in offices and companies. Which have not so much need for high resolutions. Does this mean that the programs that are made for our entertainment (games, video watching/editing, music programs,…) should not take in consideration the different needs we have while using our entertainment systems in other ways than for Word and Excel?

    Another thing those statistics don’t show us is WHY those 22.98% of screens are set to 1920x1080. Is it because it is their maximum resolution or because the owners set the resolution lower than what they are capable of because they need to use programs from companies like NI that don’t give us better choices? If they give them programs that are unusable on higher resolutions, they are forced to set the screens on lower resolutions.

    Also said: if I put a traffic sign saying “only right turn”, it’s useless to then say “our statistics say that on that turn 100% of users go right”

    This is my problem: statistics are, in my opinion, of very little help to REALLY understand a situation. Is just one of many pieces of a puzzle.

    And…I would change stats’ site of reference, because this case shows the very poor work that has been done… specially not putting on the chart on top the highest scoring category.

    Btw: “All vendors build to standard HD”. Well…no…

  • red_nick
    red_nick Member Posts: 255 Advisor
    edited January 18

    They're measuring the virtual resolution, after scaling. You can tell from 1536x864. I don't think anything has that as a real resolution, it's 1920x1080 with 125% scaling applied.

    And those recorded as 1920x1080 may not be that either. Javascript screen measuring thinks mine is 1920x1080, when it's actually 3840x2160 (I would really like some proper screen scaling in plugins, I sometimes just run the host with overridden system scaling.)

    It's a bit troubling that statcounter publish that as resolution, without any notice that its after scaling. I wonder how many developers are mistakenly relying on that to make business decisions. Obviously scaled resolution is fine for the main website layout, but it means you're missing out on scaling choices, including for high DPI images on websites.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,818 Expert
    edited January 18

    Could be the case.

    If you are correct, good catch.

    (After some maths…you could be really right ☺️)

  • red_nick
    red_nick Member Posts: 255 Advisor

    It's going to make your host a bit fuzzy, but you can work around it by enabling system scaling on the host (Komplete if standalone, or your DAW if you're loading it as a VST)

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,818 Expert
    edited January 18

    That is what I always do in Studio One.

    Unluckily, scaling systems from DAWs can sometimes give troubles in some cases

  • red_nick
    red_nick Member Posts: 255 Advisor

    I'm kind of surprised DAWs haven't just implemented their own scaling system considering its an incredibly common problem

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,080 Expert

    I get it.

    Here I can guarantee I am in 1920x1080.

    No scaling. No third party graphics card. No nothing - just this:

    My TV is reporting 1920x1080. Windows is - and the graphic card is.

    All my NI software (and everyone elses) displays perfectly.


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,080 Expert


    "And why not saying what that “other” is composed of?"


    All I can glean from this "other" category is that it is most likely comprised of a number of non-standard resolutions - none of which is strong enough on it's own to get 4.81% to beat Mr. Last Place (1440x900)

    Reading anything else into this is pointless as these guys are simply reporting what they get - however they get it.

    The fact remains - if 4K was a popular choice (regardless of the actual pixel aspect ratio(HxW) one wants to use)- by at least 4.18% of the worldwide reporting population - you would think it would show up here.


  • red_nick
    red_nick Member Posts: 255 Advisor

    Good for you, but an awful lot of people will have scaling. For example, virtually every modern laptop. Unfortunately, the browser stats surveys don't seem to bother recording it (although it's perfectly possible to capture).

    This has about 30% usage of resolutions over 1920 that will probably need scaling:

    https://www.pcbenchmarks.net/displays.html (unfortunately it will obviously be biased towards benchmark users)

    Plus smaller screens at 1920 will also be using scaling

  • red_nick
    red_nick Member Posts: 255 Advisor

    as mentioned above, 4k will appear as 1920 or other resolutions as the stats were of display size after scaling

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,080 Expert
    edited January 18

    Never heard of that - but OK.

    Still not sure what the point is as nothing will ever change (scaling wise) for Reaktor or FM8.

    Scale all you want - and then explain to the OP why these two will always look weird in anything but standard HD


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,818 Expert

    Not only…
    That “other” category can be read as you want.

    I see you read it in your own way… but, as I already said, could also be an ensemble of many resolutions, all (or most part) above 1920x1080 but all singularly not reaching your 4.81%… but all put together being the highest category (that dotted line)…meaning many people could be using highest resolutions than 1920x1080.

    Can also not be the case…but my point was simply “stats are not telling everything, specially if poorly made”.

    If then you want to use them to prove a so called truth…as said it can be read as you want

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