Beginner questions Maschine MK3

viper9711 Member Posts: 211 Pro

I just bought a Maschine MK3.
In addition to 3.0, Maschine Central and Komplete select, Native Access also provides various other things:
Kontakt 8 Player, Massive, Reaktor, Prism, Monark and Previews (8.5 GB!!)
Do I need all of this for Maschine? I just want to use Maschine as a DAW.
What are the previews for?

Thanks for help

Best Answers

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 293 Pro
    edited January 18 Answer ✓

    Previews are for the maschine browser , they are a little demo of the preset /sound / kit , so you can hear what it is before you load it

    The others are instruments that you can use in maschine

    Massive is a wavetable synth

    Monark is a mono synth + prism is another synth, that are built in reaktor , so they use that

    Kontakt 8 player is a sample player , it loads instrument libraries , like session horns , leap expansions

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,818 Expert
    edited January 17 Answer ✓

    Previews are for being able to audition sounds of older products while scrolling through browser.

    If you need to install all the products or not….is up to you. Massive, Reaktor, Prism and Monark could be put in the category of “synths”. If you already have others from other brands and you think you will never use them, you can avoid installing them. But…more synths, more sounds, more choices, isn’t it ☺️?

    Kontakt 8 Player is NI Sampler. Many third party libraries (in addition to all those from NI) depend on it, so I would say is quite necessary (at least to be able to use many of the libraries that are on the market).

    And…if in future you’ll buy libraries that are depending on Kontakt, be aware that some of them require the FULL Kontakt version and the Player is not enough (be sure to read which version is needed before making a purchase).

    Edit: and as usual, someone else answer appears only after I posted. Sorry ☺️

  • BJQ1972
    BJQ1972 Member Posts: 91 Advisor
    edited January 18 Answer ✓

    You should have got an email with the subject "Welcome to Maschine". There's a code to purchase Komplete 15 Select at the bottom of the mail, so I assume you've used that to purchase the Beats option?

    Once that is purchased you should have a selection of new products to install including Massive X - another synth, and Battery is a drum sampler - the factory kits for Battery include some 808s, 909s and a 707 and 727 kit. I think the Kontakt Factory Selection also has some kits based on some of the classic Roland drum machines, and maybe a Linndrum too.

    Note if you choose one of the other Komplete Select options they don't include Battery.

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 293 Pro
    Answer ✓

    yes maschine central is the new library for maschine 3 , in maschine 2 there was a factory library and a factory selection library, the factory library came with mk3 ,jam , studio and earlier versions, tho stuff was added to it , in 1.8 -2.0 -2.5 , the selection library was smaller and came with the mikro mk3 .

    I’m not sure what 909 , 808, 707 you’re referring to , obviously samples of the drum machine , is there something you’ve seen that mentions those?

    Komplete select include more content and some instruments

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 293 Pro
    Answer ✓


    ALDREAD Member Posts: 293 Pro
    edited January 18 Answer ✓

    Previews are for the maschine browser , they are a little demo of the preset /sound / kit , so you can hear what it is before you load it

    The others are instruments that you can use in maschine

    Massive is a wavetable synth

    Monark is a mono synth + prism is another synth, that are built in reaktor , so they use that

    Kontakt 8 player is a sample player , it loads instrument libraries , like session horns , leap expansions

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,818 Expert
    edited January 17 Answer ✓

    Previews are for being able to audition sounds of older products while scrolling through browser.

    If you need to install all the products or not….is up to you. Massive, Reaktor, Prism and Monark could be put in the category of “synths”. If you already have others from other brands and you think you will never use them, you can avoid installing them. But…more synths, more sounds, more choices, isn’t it ☺️?

    Kontakt 8 Player is NI Sampler. Many third party libraries (in addition to all those from NI) depend on it, so I would say is quite necessary (at least to be able to use many of the libraries that are on the market).

    And…if in future you’ll buy libraries that are depending on Kontakt, be aware that some of them require the FULL Kontakt version and the Player is not enough (be sure to read which version is needed before making a purchase).

    Edit: and as usual, someone else answer appears only after I posted. Sorry ☺️

  • viper9711
    viper9711 Member Posts: 211 Pro

    Thanks for the tips.
    Where can I find the Roland Drum Kits 707, 808, 909?
    Aren't they normally included with Maschine 3.0 or Central Library? Or similar versions of them?

  • viper9711
    viper9711 Member Posts: 211 Pro
    edited January 18

    After all Maschine 3.0 Products and add-on's I see this.

    Do I miss something? I think MAS-Central is the new Maschine Sound Library or should I see a Folder called Maschine?

    What is still missing is the Complete Select package "Beats" - NI is adding this to Native Access. Is it possible that this is why I can't find 707, 808, 909?

  • BJQ1972
    BJQ1972 Member Posts: 91 Advisor
    edited January 18 Answer ✓

    You should have got an email with the subject "Welcome to Maschine". There's a code to purchase Komplete 15 Select at the bottom of the mail, so I assume you've used that to purchase the Beats option?

    Once that is purchased you should have a selection of new products to install including Massive X - another synth, and Battery is a drum sampler - the factory kits for Battery include some 808s, 909s and a 707 and 727 kit. I think the Kontakt Factory Selection also has some kits based on some of the classic Roland drum machines, and maybe a Linndrum too.

    Note if you choose one of the other Komplete Select options they don't include Battery.

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 293 Pro
    Answer ✓

    yes maschine central is the new library for maschine 3 , in maschine 2 there was a factory library and a factory selection library, the factory library came with mk3 ,jam , studio and earlier versions, tho stuff was added to it , in 1.8 -2.0 -2.5 , the selection library was smaller and came with the mikro mk3 .

    I’m not sure what 909 , 808, 707 you’re referring to , obviously samples of the drum machine , is there something you’ve seen that mentions those?

    Komplete select include more content and some instruments

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 293 Pro

    FYI for drum kits look under groups , and for individual samples under samples , sounds are normally sampled instruments, like cello etc , instruments are vst that are integrated into the browser with their presets using nks

  • viper9711
    viper9711 Member Posts: 211 Pro
    edited January 18

    Thanks for help. I had overlooked the fact that you have to use the voucher for this. Now everything is here. The Roland drums were in battery :)

    Also in Beats Selection from Komplete 15 select

  • viper9711
    viper9711 Member Posts: 211 Pro

    I have one more question:
    shouldn't a "Machine" folder appear in the Groups window? Or is MAS Central the new replacement for it?

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 293 Pro
    Answer ✓
  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,818 Expert
    edited January 18

    i wouldn’t call it the “replacement”. It’s the new one…having both gives you different stuffs

  • viper9711
    viper9711 Member Posts: 211 Pro

    I noticed that too. When I wanted to do the crash course from the manual, some example kits were needed that I couldn't find in the new library.

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 293 Pro

    yeah that’s technically true .

    I recently got the factory library because I got a secondhand jam , I used to have it when I had a studio , but I sold it and it was before NI let you keep the software, then I had a mikro so only had factory selection .

    I was meaning to upgrade but then NI stopped selling it , thought about getting a 2nd hand mk3 to get it , but went with the jam for unrelated reasons , then remembered it comes with it

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,818 Expert
    edited January 18

    Jam was a good choice.

    It’s a very valid controller and very programmable through Controller Editor (until NI will allow us to)

    I have 2 of them ☺️

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 293 Pro

    yeah , I had one a when it came out , atm I only had the kk mk3 , so wanted a maschine but , I thought id rather wait for the mk4 or better kk integration

    Then I see a jam for £125 , and thought , you know what ,jam is exactly what I need

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