bpm adjust vs bpm nudge

Toltemic Member Posts: 48 Helper

I'm confused as to what does what

Bpm nudge seems to affect the bpm read out on the advanced tab under grid

whilst bpm adjust affects the tempo in the browser tempo column but does not affect the actual track grid tempo, even when the track is reloaded

The manual only states what bpm adjust does but seems to more closely resemble bpm nudge is doing

What is the difference?



  • pixel
    pixel Member Posts: 344 Pro

    I tested this for you
    and created a comparison video

    BPM Nudge (MOVE Encoder) is for fine tuning.🙂

    BPM Adjust (LOOP Encoder)

  • Toltemic
    Toltemic Member Posts: 48 Helper

    Ayy brilliant cheers for the video!!

    Yeah I did notice even when setting bpm nudge to direct it would only jump 0.5 intervals vs bpm adjust going insane intervals

    I'm assuming something is bugged on my traktor install because bpm adjust wasn't affecting the bpm readout on the advanced tab nor storing the data, unlike on yours which lead to severe confusion on my part

    for example I have a track on 124 bpm, I use 'bpm nudge' both the advance tab 'grid' and bpm column in the playlist browser will change to say 123.5, which is to be expected

    but when using bpm adjust, the advance tab 'grid' will stay & display 124bpm whilst the bpm column in the playlist browser will say 94bpm. Reloading the track will keep it at 124bpm even though it say its 94bpm, Very weird behaviour

    I will test my mapping on traktor 3 for now to make sure it works

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