Carrying plugins with license on an external drive

Allec04 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

My question is if you can not only load the plugins but also the license on an external drive so i can seemlessly switch between for example my macbook and my windows pc or just whereever im going and start producing?


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,011 mod

    Generally speaking it is the best to keep the plugins on the system drive of the computer at the default locations and then only set the Download and the Content destinations to the external drive. Also I am not sure if your Windows programs and the Mac ones necessarily uses the same type of plugins (I don't have a Mac but at least e.g. Pro Tools uses AAX plug-ins) . And I am also not sure that it is a good idea to share the Content drive between two different OS types , if it is possible at all to make it work.

    As for the activation then I think that you can technically share the content drive between two OS' of same type but I think that the content must be installed/located and activated on both OS separately to be used, and also then when you update the software on one computer then I am not sure if it will show as updated on the other and if not then that might also give problems.

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