Switch midi clock on/off

RobertGlotzbach Member Posts: 11 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hello friends,

I find myself switching the midiclock in and off quite a lot.

Is there some nifty trick to do this with a more simple method than going into the midi page every time?

A simple keystroke would be fantastic :-)

Best, robert


Best Answer

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod
    edited June 2022 Answer ✓

    MAS doesn't really have many key combos for preference things, unfortunately.

    It might be slightly faster from the HW if you have a controller with high-res screens by going to Settings > MIDI, but the difference is probably tiny.

    What are you using the clock for? If it's controlling other software check if that has a faster way to turn off the clock receive. If whatever you're sending the clock to has Link support you could try it as MAS has a Link on/off switch in the GUI top bar so it's much faster to turn on/off (No idea why there's no clock button right next to it)

    A Link has the disadvantage of not syncing start/stop tho, MAS never added this, no idea why either.

    In your shoes, if I needed this very, very often I would consider using AutoHotkey and program a simple script to press the Preference hotkey and click-thru the menus automatically, since it has Image recognition it shouldn't be too hard to do.


  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,922 admin

    @D-One probably got a trick up his sleeve...

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod
    edited June 2022 Answer ✓

    MAS doesn't really have many key combos for preference things, unfortunately.

    It might be slightly faster from the HW if you have a controller with high-res screens by going to Settings > MIDI, but the difference is probably tiny.

    What are you using the clock for? If it's controlling other software check if that has a faster way to turn off the clock receive. If whatever you're sending the clock to has Link support you could try it as MAS has a Link on/off switch in the GUI top bar so it's much faster to turn on/off (No idea why there's no clock button right next to it)

    A Link has the disadvantage of not syncing start/stop tho, MAS never added this, no idea why either.

    In your shoes, if I needed this very, very often I would consider using AutoHotkey and program a simple script to press the Preference hotkey and click-thru the menus automatically, since it has Image recognition it shouldn't be too hard to do.

  • RobertGlotzbach
    RobertGlotzbach Member Posts: 11 Member

    Thanks a lot gentlemen :-)

    I use de Maschine as a slave to Studio One, and there are moments that I just want to play it from itself to edit a pattern or something else.

    I will check out "auto hotkey" see if it could help.

    Best regards, robert

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