How can I communicate directly with NI about unfair cyber season pricing before "holiday sale"?



  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,222 Expert

    "Grace periods does not apply on Cyber Sales."

    This is all that matters. Nuff said.


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,966 mod
    edited December 2024

    the only one who gave you a correct info is PoorFellow (probably because, being a moderator, he read the same statement I read made by a NI employee on the private NI Discord channel)

    Thank you , but I have no idea what you are referring to.

    My reference with respect to 'super close", if that is what you are referring to, is this following (where I am merely applying same principle to the present issue) :

    Quote Matt_NI : if you already own K14 since a while and did not purchase it like super close to the announcement of this campaign then you would not receive additional instruments.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,093 Expert
    edited December 2024

    To OP: I found one of the few places where NI speaks directly about grace period, a support article about Maschine 3 release. There they state a 30 days grace period

    And also some threads where some users said that they received a free update to next version after buying previous version already discounted (but, as said, this is from users’ mouth… although being one of them @Kubrak I have no reason to not believe him)

    But these are quite different cases.

    I will stand on the only thing on which everyone here agrees: only support can give you a definitive yes or no answer

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,078 Guru

    I will stand on the only thing on which everyone here agrees: only support can give you a definitive yes or no answer

    This is always what I tell an OP. Contact support, state your case, and live with their decision. What I don't like is when people get all dramatic about they deserve some special treatment discount when it's obvious that they already proved that they were okay with buying the product at that higher price.

    I have never seen the ACTUAL length of grace period stated officially. It probably SHOULD be published loud and proud so that everybody knows and adheres to the policy.

    But then, NI would have to be super tough about applying the rules equally for everybody. The problem is, each of us seems to think that we should qualify for special treatment for one crazy reason or another. "I got stuck in a snowstorm and was late for my appointment to get covid, so I bought six months earlier than the grace period, give me money! And a voucher! And lunch!

    I don't care if the policy is 30 days or 180 days. Just treat everybody the same, and I'll remain calm about the policy, while helping to make sure that others here are made aware of it. 😉

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,093 Expert
    edited December 2024

    Well…some companies have no problem in just telling you what are your rights and how easy it is to know/redeem (just logging in to your account and a magical “you are eligible” will appear. Even better: when it happened to me, they also sent me an email informing me I could have the new version for free, in case I didn’t noticed it in my account…).

    No need to guess, beg, get mad…

    Please also note that the grace period is of 5 (FIVE) months… and no matter if you bought previous version discounted or not… probably they don’t think that treating their customer correctly is the receipt to a financial loss

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,222 Expert
    edited December 2024

    "Please also note that the grace period is of 5 (FIVE) months… and no matter if you bought previous version discounted or not… probably they don’t think that treating their customer correctly is the receipt to a financial loss."

    Not exactly a great example since this is the last grace period ever for Studio One.

    Software "versioning" is no more as of the next release coming in early 2025. So I believe Presonus wanted to extend this specific grace period one last time to give everyone ample opportunity to move to the final old school v7 "version".

    Not exact "apples to apples" to any other "version" based software - but very generous nonetheless.


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,093 Expert

    Where did you get these informations?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,222 Expert
    edited December 2024

    Just rewatch the Keynote video from September. There are no more traditional "versions" come Jan 2025 - they will be moving to a "time-based" structure - think Studio One 2025.1 or something similar.

    And because of the new pricing structure and especially the new annual update plan (for both perpetual and subscription users) - there is no concept of "buying a version" anymore.

    The new development model introduced on 9/29/24 - with the last "versioned" Studio One Release - v7 - will continue like Windows 10/11 does. Or Bitwig. Or Waves Plugins. Or others with an constant release cycle.

    Each quarter (starting in 2025) there will be a "Feature Drop" which builds on top of that existing foundation launched on Sept 29. 2024

    As an existing S1 user - all we really do now is decide if we want updates - or not. With this three scenarios:

    1. If you are (or were) a V6 (or earlier) perpetual owner - and have not yet moved to v7 - as of today - you would "upgrade" into the new update plan for $149. You will get v7.02 of S1 AND you just bought 12 months of updates.

    2. If you are (or were) a V6 (or earlier) perpetual owner but hang back until the first new "Feature" drop is released (let's say March of 2025) - your Studio One experience will be upgraded to 2025.1 and you get 12 months of updates

    3. And finally - as you pointed out - if you actually registered a new copy of S1v6 between 8/1/2024 and 1/1/2025 - you have just 3 days left to redeem your free grace period update - which gets you S1 v7.02 (as of this writing) and 12 months of updates.

    But once you are part of this new time based update cycle - all you ever need to worry about is whether to buy another year of updates or take a break and come back when you are ready.

    But the days of "I bought v7 18 days before v8 dropped - where's my grace period upgrade?" is over.

    There will be no v8 and hence no grace periods. You are either an Studio One active "updater" or you are waiting in the wings until S1 adds something you like and then join the party for another year.

    Or you are a Studio One Pro+ Subscriber where basically the same applies as above - where you get a pile of Presonus extras in addition to updates - as long as your sub is active.


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,093 Expert
    edited December 2024

    Thank you for trying to explain.

    Yes, I know how the new structure of Studio One works.

    But…where do you get the information this is the last grace period they have? It’s not written anywhere

    Yes the structure has changed. But what didn’t change is the fact that, once in a while, when you decide, you’ll pay to have new features. The formula changed, but not the substance.

    Which means that “My year of updates ended yesterday and new features are released today” will still be a thing. And if they want they can have a grace period anyway (a REALLY shorter one). Unless new features will always be released on predetermined fixed dates, in which case they could say “you knew it, so don’t ask anything”. But also in this case they could be so generous to have grace periods.
    Yes…less likely to happen…but still possible.

    I know this sounds really unlikely…but so does a 5 months grace period. And a company paying someone to send you an email to inform you “hey, you have a free version awaiting you. Don’t miss it or you’ll have to give us money”. And they are doing it ☺️

    So…my question is still valid: did you see somewhere the information that this will be the last grace period?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,222 Expert
    edited December 2024

    There is no "documentation" that I am aware of but it's very clear to me (and many others in many conversations that I have had on other forums) - there cannot be a "grace period" if there are no more "periods", no more “versions” and most importantly - nothing of value to “grace”.

    Once we are in 2025 and that first new "Feature Drop" arrives - Presonus will convert to the new time based structure - S1 v7.02 will morph into Studio One Feature Release 2025.1 (or something similar) - thus becoming one long (never ending) set of Feature Drops.

    All you will ever be able to "buy" is annual access (priced always @ $149.00) to that ever ongoing set of Feature Drops.

    To your observation:

    "My year of updates ended yesterday and new features are released today” will still be a thing"

    Your update expiry date is hard coded to when you last paid your $149.00. Here is mine:

    New Feature Drops (and my ability to get them) is directly related to this date.

    When the calendar gets to Oct 9, 2025 - I will need to decide - Do I want to drop another $149.00 tomorrow - or wait until the next Feature Drop and then join back in then?

    But if I decide to do nothing - AND lets say on Oct 11, 2025 - Feature Drop 2025.3 is released - it will not be a "thing".

    What it will be is me using 2025.2 until I decide to pay $149.00 again. There will no "grace period" for me. Or a "deal" or "discount" to rejoin the update plan. Just a decision to "re-up" (for $149.00) or stand down until I see what the next Feature Drop (2025.4) has in store. Or the next one (2026.1) etc

    Conversely - if I DID decide to drop another 149.00 on Oct 10 and reactivate my update plan and 2025.3 still came out on Oct 11 as above - now I get this update. And any others until 10/10/2026.

    Now because this "concept" is so new - we have no idea what Presonus might do if I decide to stand down for say a long time - like 2.5 years. If they want my business - maybe they try something "discount wise" to coax me back - but that is unknown at this stage.

    What is known - is that it is on Presonus to show me that their "update plan" is actually worth $149.00 every 12 months.

    The fact that this "extendo" grace period redemption" coupon that you posted ends on 1/1/2025 should tell you all you need to know. This date is the line in the sand - the last time you can use an old school version of Studio One (v6) to actually get anything of value before this new structure takes over.

    Anyone waiting to 1/2/2025 (or later) will need to pay $149.00 to join the update plan.

    Instead of free.


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,093 Expert
    edited December 2024

    Ok. Thank you, but once again: I know how the formula works.

    What I wanted to know is if all of this is your interpretation (very probable to happen) or if it was declared.

    I see things seems so clear to you, but also that this is coming from your reasoning and not something Presonus said. Take your statement about this grace period ending on 1/1/25: you are so sure it should tell me all I need to know… but same end line has been used in the past years, without this meaning a change (although it was a different situation, since no new formula was being introduced).

    And also about the “hard coded” therefore “sure”: to me, even the current grace period could be seen as strange: if I bought Studio One 6 it is “hard coded” that this is the version I get. As the things work now, you pay for 6, you get everything 6 will give you until version 7 is released and then you have to pay. But as current grace period shows, nothing is “hard coded”: if you are in a certain situation, things can be different. So…it’s our (well…your 😂) interpretation that having an “year expiration” date will mean no grace period. Even release of new version should mean expiration of what you get. But in some cases, it doesn’t. Same cases could be applied with new formula, if they want.

    Speaking about the new formula: also this is a sign that some companies work differently: the new “pay to get one year of updates and then keep everything even if you don’t renew” is a formula that is trying to approach a “subscription” model but giving users some advantages, and therefore in favor of consumers.

    All of this doesn’t mean I don’t agree with you: you are probably right and what you say will happen.

    I just wanted to know if this is what it IS or what we THINK it will be.

    Saying “this is the last grace period ever for Studio One” is a little bit too “definitive” not having real informations. Also about this “we have no idea what Presonus will do” and “that is unknown at this stage”. It’s just speculation.

    That said, we will probably have confirmations very briefly ☺️

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,222 Expert

    "Saying “this is the last grace period ever for Studio One” is a little bit too “definitive” not having real information"

    Fair enough - if you require more definitive info - that's cool but when no grace period is ever mentioned again - then I guess you will have your answer. Might take a while to arrive there.

    For me - the new plan is very clear - all one needs to do is watch that Sept video twice and it's all right there.

    One thing is definitive: "Studio One 7" is the last old school "version" one will actually buy. I predict as soon as Presonus delivers their first 2025 Feature Drop - and moves to the new time based schedule - betting that even that "7" will instantly disappear from their marketing by Spring 2025. The product will simply be known as Studio One Pro.

    And yes - the new pricing model is very favorable to users - BUT designed specifically for guaranteed cash flow and to specifically eliminate any loopholes or possibilities of freebies (like grace periods).

    I think that fact that Presonus will let us weave in and out of the update program - at will - while maintaining our full perpetual licenses - is both brilliant and fair. But it is also risky (and could be lethal if handled poorly)

    Presonus needs to deliver - like really deliver - or this plan has the potential to kill them permanently if they cannot sustain cash flow by delivering useful/desirable Feature Drops.

    I am excited to watch it all play out. But I will bet money there are no more grace periods as soon as we convert to the new time based schedule..


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,093 Expert

    Some things you said are exactly the reason why I appreciate this move: many aspects are favorable to users.

    I’m also convinced that this will “force” them to deliver: no new/good features no new cash flow.

    That’s what I always said about other form of subscriptions: not only I don’t like that if you cancel your subscription you remain with nothing in your hands (and in most cases also the inability to access what you created), but also that companies don’t have any incentive in delivering. You must constantly pay the subscription anyway only to have access

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