HOT CUE Grid no longer present in TRAKTOR PRO 4 -BUG ??!?

HOT CUE Grid no longer present in TRAKTOR PRO 4 via MIDI
the problem arises when I want to adjust the grid with my controller I want the hotcue grid to match the beatgrid, in TP 3 it was possible now no longer

Furthermore , When I delete HOT CUE GRID set automatically after the analyzed track , it is no longer possible to set it if another HOT CUE is already present !!! this is a problem because I have all the tracks set with hotcue 1 type grid !!



  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,220 mod

    The old hotcue type grid hotcues (white) have now been converted into hotcue type grid (white). They have stayed the same, except they are NOT considered gridmarker anymore, but rather a special type of hotcue that has two traits. 1. It's white like a gridmarker and 2. you can't set one manually but have to have it set automatically by Traktor (Preferences→Analysis).

    Traktor 4 will convert them to TWO markers, 1 unnumbered gridmarker and 1 numbered hotcue in white.

    Start using loadmarkers on top of the gridmarker instead, to avoid confusion, if i may make a suggestion.

  • gpratola
    gpratola Member Posts: 28 Member

    I have all the tracks imported from TP3 with HOTCUE 1 grid and HOT2 Load set at the beginning of the track ... but why did they have to do this ?!?! the flexible grid was still possible to implement without distorting .... :(((

  • Deejay Gucci
    Deejay Gucci Member Posts: 16 Member

    completely ok with you, this analysis of Grid on Traktor 4 is a horror without names

  • DJDQmusic
    DJDQmusic Member Posts: 35 Member

    I hate the new flexgrid. It was perfect before and I don’t know why they had to change it.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,220 mod

    It wasn't perfect before. It does require getting used to the new approach, after that it works like before, for me at least. As for the reason: It was the #1 requested feature for years.

    But you are free to hate it. You may want to use TP 3.11.1 instead. It's as stable as you can have it and uses the old grid.

  • MarkMaschine
    MarkMaschine Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Hello, there's another unintended concequence of this change that probably won't affect many but it did messed me up a bit.

    This is what I noticed: I use custom Traktor Mapping for my Maschine Mk3 and I would make Hot Cues by pressing a pad on my Maschine… nothing shocking there yet. Then I would turn a knob to select the type of cue I wanted it to be (grid, loop, fade in, out, etc). I didn't have to look at the screen, I would just look at the color of the pads and stop whenever I saw the color (and type) of cue I wanted; if I went past it, I would just scroll back and done deal.

    But now, if I go past the last type of cue on the list of cues (which is a LOOP), there seems to be an invisible "delete cue" option that if I turn the "cue type selector knob" (that's what I call it on my mapping), it automatically deletes the cue I just created.

    It's not the end of the world, just annoying

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,220 mod

    A note: The cue type selector (particularly inc/dec) has been broken since forever (at least as far back as TP 2.6.8) and was never fixed, with uncertain results every time this function is used. It's on the backlog, far down i bet.

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