Should you upgrade Z2 to the new Z1mk2 when using x1mk3

I have a traktor kontrol z2+2, but I am swapping the controllers I have to 2 x1mk3, and possibly a F1 as well. As all the system will be usb based should I refresh the mixer to the Z1 ? Any advice would be appreciated as I am so confused and don’t want to make a bad decision. I am now using traktor pro4 with apple M2
thank you in advance

Best Answers

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,216 mod
    Answer ✓

    As far as the reactions of Z2 users go, it's still an awesome device. Go Z1 only if you want to reduce your gigging load. As far as stem controls go, you can map a switch for your Z2 to use the hotcues as stem channel mute buttons. Or wait for me to finish my X1Mk3 stem control overlay Mod. The only other thing Z1Mk2 has going for it is it's flashy new design and it's weight. X1 has plenty of USB sockets as well. If you are keen to throw money at equipment, there are lots of other top-of-the-line mixers you could upgrade to.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,216 mod
    Answer ✓

    Z1 is not superior. Z2 users have been clamouring for a Z2Mk2 upgrade only because it's so good! Small footprint is the main advantage of the Z1Mk2. If you don't need to carry your gear around, stay on the Z2. And get the F1 no matter what (plus a bigger desk for your setup). It's cheap, infinitely customizable and has awesome out of the box native Remix Deck controls. I discovered quickly i wanted a second one. 😋

    Welcome to the club. Half the Traktor users around here are in our age bracket. 🙃

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,216 mod
    Answer ✓

    Everything in service of the god of music. Enjoy! 😁

  • Copyright
    Copyright Member Posts: 17 Member
    Answer ✓

    @Sûlherokhh coffee on its way!

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,216 mod
    Answer ✓

    Thanks mate. ❤️


  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,216 mod
    Answer ✓

    As far as the reactions of Z2 users go, it's still an awesome device. Go Z1 only if you want to reduce your gigging load. As far as stem controls go, you can map a switch for your Z2 to use the hotcues as stem channel mute buttons. Or wait for me to finish my X1Mk3 stem control overlay Mod. The only other thing Z1Mk2 has going for it is it's flashy new design and it's weight. X1 has plenty of USB sockets as well. If you are keen to throw money at equipment, there are lots of other top-of-the-line mixers you could upgrade to.

  • Copyright
    Copyright Member Posts: 17 Member

    @Sûlherokhh thanks for the advice, I have been trying to work out the best line up for traktor pro 4.

    My two options were

    Z2 and two x1mk3 or

    Z1mk2 and two X1mk3 and one F1.

    I am not looking to preform publicly this is purely for stress relief and putting together my own mixes to listen to. I’m nearly 50 and reliving my youth😂 now I can afford it. I do like the build quality of the Z2 (only got it last week) but if the Z2 is superior I have the option to swap it out

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,216 mod
    Answer ✓

    Z1 is not superior. Z2 users have been clamouring for a Z2Mk2 upgrade only because it's so good! Small footprint is the main advantage of the Z1Mk2. If you don't need to carry your gear around, stay on the Z2. And get the F1 no matter what (plus a bigger desk for your setup). It's cheap, infinitely customizable and has awesome out of the box native Remix Deck controls. I discovered quickly i wanted a second one. 😋

    Welcome to the club. Half the Traktor users around here are in our age bracket. 🙃

  • Copyright
    Copyright Member Posts: 17 Member

    @Sûlherokhh … Legend. Just what I needed to know! Really appreciate the advice.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,216 mod
    Answer ✓

    Everything in service of the god of music. Enjoy! 😁

  • Copyright
    Copyright Member Posts: 17 Member
    Answer ✓

    @Sûlherokhh coffee on its way!

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,216 mod
    Answer ✓

    Thanks mate. ❤️

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