Can't quantise live recording into a pattern that has been step recorded.

Kara Goldfinch
Kara Goldfinch Member Posts: 3 Member

If I enter some notes in a pattern using Step mode then record something else live into the same pattern, pressing quantise does nothing. Why is this?

Best Answer


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    Humm… The way you input notes should not have any influence.

    Quantize requires the Grid to be enabled, check if you accidentally turned it off. Also, if there is a selection of notes it's only appllied to that selection, so check if you have a single note selected or something… if theres no selection quantize is applied to the whole Pad or Group respectively.

  • Kara Goldfinch
    Kara Goldfinch Member Posts: 3 Member

    It turns out that the last note that was input using step recording is being selected, so it was just trying to quantise that note. Any way to stop this?

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    Answer ✓

    Not that I am aware, last placed Step always stays selected, you can however just hold the 'Select' button then press 'None' (top button #6)

  • Kara Goldfinch
    Kara Goldfinch Member Posts: 3 Member

    thanks for your help.

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