Reaktor 6 not detecting sound card (ES-9)

victorcampos Member Posts: 2 Member
edited October 2024 in Reaktor

I've been experiencing this weird glitch since I got an Expert Sleepers ES-9 last month: when I first plugged it in my Mac recognises it (showing it on Audio MIDI, Ableton Live is able to list and use the interface but Reaktor for some reason doesn't even show it on the sound card list. I've attached pictures to show what I mean.

At some point during my troubleshooting last month things started working, the ES-9 showed up as a sound card and I could use it with Reaktor to get sounds and CV from my Eurorack to Reaktor and back out, yesterday for some reason it stopped again.

What I think is a bit more bizarre is that I managed to make it work using an Aggregate Device, using my XONE mixer sound card + the ES-9 and using that device as my sound card on Reaktor seems to work again. Last time when I tried this I still couldn't get any ins/outs from Reaktor.

I'm not using Reaktor as a VST but standalone.

Has anyone experienced issues with a sound card being detected by MacOS but not by Reaktor itself?

Tech details:

MacBook Air M1 running MacOS 12.4

Ableton Live 11.1.5

Reaktor 6.4.3 (R0)

Expert Sleepers ES-9 firmware 1.2.3



  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert

    On top of your device is XONE-ES9. Is it the same as Expert Sleepers ES-9 or I'm wrong?

  • victorcampos
    victorcampos Member Posts: 2 Member

    Seems like I lost my comment after editing it... 😓

    The selected device "XONE-ES9" is an Aggregated Device that I've setup on macOS, it's bundling my XONE 96 mixer and the ES-9 into a 28in/28out device.

    It's currently working but it has intermittently stopped sometimes the past month, my issue is exactly that Reaktor can work with my ES-9 when in an aggregated device but the sound card by itself doesn't even show up on the device list of Reaktor, while it does shows in Ableton. I'm trying to figure out why Reaktor does not show it.

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