Reloop Mixtour Pro

Angel Maverick
Angel Maverick Member Posts: 1 Member
edited November 2024 in Mapping Traktor
I have created a mapping for the Reloop Mixtour Pro controller (Laidback Luke).
I leave you the Djtechtools link in case you are interested. Greetings.


  • John6
    John6 Member Posts: 46 Member

    This link goes nowhere. Can you include the TSI?

    DJTT is spammy af with mappings

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    It is an old platform but still there for everyone.. Maybe build and maintenan your own mapping website before talking trash.

  • hardbea7
    hardbea7 Member Posts: 21 Member

    Link is not working, mind to share in Google drive or any other working link?

  • John6
    John6 Member Posts: 46 Member
    edited January 27

    Your calling me a trash talker? What?

    Maybe re-define your understanding of "spammy"?

    Its next to impossible to navigate mappings on DDTT without a never ending loop of login prompts and captchas (imo spammy). And yes I have valid registered DJTT accounts.

    Your mapping is nowhere to be found on DJTT.

    DJTT mapping section does not list Mixtour Pro as a controller (only Mixtour).

    The link here on NI is dead.

    We are simply asking if you would include a working TSI link.

  • John6
    John6 Member Posts: 46 Member
    edited January 27


    Also. You realize I paid you $19.99 yesterday for the same TSI we are talking about here? lol

    Instead of lighting me up, why don't you tell everyone there is a paywall for this TSI now?

    Google it. It's well worth the cost imo. Brilliant mapping.

    BTW Huge fan

    I paid you to map a Denon Mc7000 in 2017. Great experience. Great mapping.

    I paid you $19.99 yesterday for the TSI

    I've supported your Youtube channel.

    I'm sorry you felt the need to attack my character.


  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    It is absolutely not the same mapping, I didn't post mine to any forum yet. I guess you didn't test the mapping from Midimaps because they are different in many ways. The mapping from this thread was deleted from Midimaps section together with the user account by accident and it wasn't me who deleted it. We are under spam attack since early last year and some accounts get deleted in the process by accident because there is a ton of spam.

    If someone knows a platform that could be great match for Midimaps then let me know!

    As I sign of good will, I could make this kind of mapping if the original creator doesn't still have the files. I fact I have X1 companion mapping that emulates Z1 Mk2 with some additional controls that I planned to post here first.

  • John6
    John6 Member Posts: 46 Member


    I did not test the one you mentioned. I came here looking for a Mixtour Pro TSI (like everybody else) because one doesn't exist anywhere atm. Reloop hasn't posted one for Mixtour PRO.

    Im happy with the TSI I bought from you. Google Reloop+Mixtour+Pro+Ninja+2.0.

    Im sure folks would love a TSI that matches the Laidback Luke mapping thats comes standard with the with Reloop Mixtour Pro on Algo DJ software

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