cant updater native access to install new vst

Revednb Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

can anyone help how do i update the native access it wont let me in at all just says new version available


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,256 mod

    You simply supply too little information.

    What is your exact OS version ? , what is your present N.A. version ? how are you trying to upgrade ? (are you clicking somewhere or have you downloaded an installer that you are running) . If the installation fails then what are the error message ? (eventually give us a screenshot). .

    Also please explain the headline "cant update native access to install new vst" , what update are needed for what VST ?

    Else if you have a problem installing a new version of Native Access then try uninstalling Native Access and NTKDaemon

    then run the NI reg tool and remove anything Native Access and NTKDaemon

    then reboot

    then download and install latest version of Native Access for your OS (run installer as an Admin)

    (The above is the very light version)

  • Revednb
    Revednb Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    Nice ill try its all latest as i have uninstalled native and reinstalled only noticed it wouldnt repair once i uploaded monark to native everything updated just the komplete control will not.

    As soon as i installed new version of native everything was good even monark but as you see kontrol wont repair

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