Can you make Maschine3 / Komplete 15 Select visible in Native Access please?

Geert-70 Member Posts: 5 Member

I bought (11nov2024) a new Maschine Mikro MK3 and registered the serial (14nov2024) but have not received my license for Maschine 3 or Komplete 15 Select.

  • I registered my serial number and it is visible with my serial numbers
  • My Native Acces version is 3.14.0
  • I already did the trick with the xml file -> no result
  • I contacted support and waited for hours and they told me to contact them by email but unfortunately I didn't get any email, not even in the spam folder

Can somebody please help me?

Best Answer

  • Mert_NI
    Mert_NI Customer Care Posts: 748 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hello guys, this is a system issue. Can you please create a support ticket or open a chat support using this link below:

    So our team can help you to solve that as soon as possible.

    I hope this helps☺️


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