Maschine 3.0 user samples libraries thumbnails do not show up.

Solncev_ Member Posts: 41 Helper

If anyone has any information about this, please tell me. Is this a bug or does the new version use thumbnails in a different way?

now all my user libraries are in the "other" section. In the second version, thumbnails work for me.

Windows 11


  • Toltemic
    Toltemic Member Posts: 50 Helper

    I had luck doing this last night:

    "This data is stored in C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Local\Native Instruments\Maschine 2 has your plugin destinations

    komplete.db3 has your icons and library destinations

    copy them into (and don't forget to back up the previous files in there)

    C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Local\Native Instruments\Maschine 3

    - it worked but have only had minute to test it so I don't know if it'll be buggy, so be warned"

    however I would like to know did you manually re import all your user destinations or was it there already when you opened maschine 3? I'm only asking because all my user data did not carry over

  • trj
    trj Member Posts: 4 Member

    Maschine 2 and Komplete Kontrol points to a folder for both user thumbnails and NI thumbnails:

    "C:\Users\Public\Documents\NI Resources\image"

    I am not a computer wiz, but either Maschine 3 does not use this folder, or all user created images are somehow blocked. I wish that NI would fix this. Our folders are important to us.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,372 mod

    It does use that folder, you just have to get the folder names right. e.g. this library

    needs this pathname:

    '/Users/Shared/NI Resources/image/cycling74/incidental gesture/VB_artwork.png'

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