will future Expansions work with Maschine-SW 2.x ?

The Sarge
The Sarge Member Posts: 171 Helper

as written in the headline, I´m very interested to know if the future coming expansions will still work with my MaschineMk2 & Software 2 ?

I'm asking because I've already suffered an expensive loss: the S88Mk1 no longer works with Komplete Kontrol 3 and so nobody wants to buy it from me. And if the MaschineMk2 still runs with the Software2, but the new expansions don't, then it would be another big financial loss. I'm no longer able to work due to illness, so new purchases really hurt my wallet.

If it were the case that they don't work with the Mk2, would the MikroMk3 be enough? I tend to work hybrid anyway, i.e. beat and song start in Maschine and then work it out in Cubase.
But basically it should work, because the new Maschine3 features are only: stems, render-in-place, all audio formats and various tempos per scene

thanks for every answer/hint/help

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Best Answer

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,856 Expert
    edited November 2024 Answer ✓

    As of now, the file formats of Samples & Loops, Sounds (Instruments & Effects), Groups (Kits) and various synth presets have not changed. The file format of Projects has changed.

    This is the same situation as for every update from 2.0 to 2.18 during the last ten years. Future Expansions will contain files in a format that cannot be read by older versions of the software (Maschine, FM8, Massive, Monark, Prism, Reaktor, Battery).

    If you’re like me and mainly interested in Samples and Synth presets to spark new ideas, then most content of future Expansions will still work for you.


  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,856 Expert
    edited November 2024 Answer ✓

    As of now, the file formats of Samples & Loops, Sounds (Instruments & Effects), Groups (Kits) and various synth presets have not changed. The file format of Projects has changed.

    This is the same situation as for every update from 2.0 to 2.18 during the last ten years. Future Expansions will contain files in a format that cannot be read by older versions of the software (Maschine, FM8, Massive, Monark, Prism, Reaktor, Battery).

    If you’re like me and mainly interested in Samples and Synth presets to spark new ideas, then most content of future Expansions will still work for you.

  • The Sarge
    The Sarge Member Posts: 171 Helper
    edited November 2024

    thanks for this hyperfast answer 👍️

    but bad to hear, that the projects can´t be loaded then, because they´re for me something like teaching-lessons to learn new things in genre, in sounddesign etc.. And the second point why bought expansions was the great quality of Samples & Presets

    So saying "you can still use the MaschineMk2 with the Software2" is just window dressing to reassure customers.

    it hurts so much in what direction |\| changed (should be clear to me after Mate G. left etc, but had hope that it wouldn´t)

  • Lionzinio
    Lionzinio Member Posts: 129 Pro

    While I can imagine that samples and possibly groups in future expansions will still work with Maschine-SW 2.x, because why would they not, I absolutely would not expect the same will happen with projects.

    I'm not sure exactly what new features 3.0 introduces that means 3.0 projects can't be opened in 2.0, but they can't. So the moment expansions start being made with Maschine 3, their projects won't work in Maschine 2. And given NI has already dropped support for Maschine 2 like a hot potato, I can imagine that point will be with us shortly.

    I appreciate your pain with the S88mk1. That's a particularly nasty piece of 'business' from NI.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,856 Expert

    As already mentioned, this situation is not new at all. Projects made with 2.18 cannot be opened with 2.16.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,164 mod

    This is common practice since many years ago in the music industry.

    For example, Cubase 13 can open Cubase 11 or 12 projects, but, Cubase 11 or 12, can not open Cubase 13 projects.

    Ableton 12 can open Ableton 10 projects, but Ableton 10 can not open Ableton 12 projects.

    …and so on…

    As i said this is not new at all. Even 20 years ago (if not more!) things were the same.

    And this is the right way! It is not some shady businesses practice. Software evolves, new features arise, projects saved with those new features, older software can not recognize those features (or formats etc), thus, projects can not open. It is that simple. :-)

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