Reaktor Shutdown

jst Member Posts: 2 Member
edited November 2024 in Tech Talks

Hello there,

i just finished my work on sound installation made by Reaktor. and i would like to automate shutdown and power-on so i did it. there's no problem when i turn on the MacPro and run Reaktor, but that's impossible to shut down MacPro automatically on MacOS because of Reaktor which asks whether the patch saves or not whenever my MacPro tries to shut down.

is there a way to clear that issue? please let me know if someone knows how to clear it.

thanks in advance. J

Best Answer

  • Paul B
    Paul B Member Posts: 169 Advisor
    edited November 2024 Answer ✓

    If this is Reaktor asking whether to save changes made to an instrument before closing, there may be nothing you can do to prevent that except ensure no changes have been made. If I understand correctly what you are doing, the sound installation manipulates parameters on the Reaktor instrument. That will trigger the save dialog on close.

    What you could try is force close Reaktor by scripting. I was able to force Reaktor 6 to close by running in a command shell:

    killall "Reaktor 6"

    This will close it when Cmd-Q (and equivalent script commands) won't, bypassing the save dialog.

    This is bash/zsh syntax. There may be an AppleScript equivalent but I can't say. You should be able to run regular shell commands from AppleScript if that is required.

    Run this before your automation instructs the Mac to shut down.


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,995 mod

    For starters , then did you do the Mac must do ? : ALL NI apps including NTKDaemon must have full disk access.

    How to Enable Full Disk Access on mac OS

    Notes on Network Drives and Disk Formats

    Compatibility of Native Instruments Products on mac OS

    Else then what is your exact model of Mac ? and the exact OS version ? Also what is your Reaktor version ? and what are the path settings ? (where did you install the Reaktor app to and please supply a screenshot of what is the Directories setting in Reaktor Preferences).

    The more information given the better chance that someone knowledgeable about Mac could spot something that doesn't look right in case that the above doesn't help.

  • Paul B
    Paul B Member Posts: 169 Advisor
    edited November 2024 Answer ✓

    If this is Reaktor asking whether to save changes made to an instrument before closing, there may be nothing you can do to prevent that except ensure no changes have been made. If I understand correctly what you are doing, the sound installation manipulates parameters on the Reaktor instrument. That will trigger the save dialog on close.

    What you could try is force close Reaktor by scripting. I was able to force Reaktor 6 to close by running in a command shell:

    killall "Reaktor 6"

    This will close it when Cmd-Q (and equivalent script commands) won't, bypassing the save dialog.

    This is bash/zsh syntax. There may be an AppleScript equivalent but I can't say. You should be able to run regular shell commands from AppleScript if that is required.

    Run this before your automation instructs the Mac to shut down.

  • jst
    jst Member Posts: 2 Member

    Hello all, your comments were really helpful especially the command 'killall "Reaktor 6"' works correctly! i could clear my issue with that command and crontab.

    thanks a lot!

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