How many scenes per project do you really can load in Maschine 3 software? I'm a bit confused.

Glowing Palace
Glowing Palace Member Posts: 3 Member
edited November 2024 in Maschine

Hello everyone!

I've just checked the Maschine comparison page which says that the number of scenes per project is limited to 64 for all three models. There is no clarification about software/hardware difference like it is for some other parameters in the chart. This makes me assume that even for Maschine 3 software the max number of scenes is 64. Is this assumption right? Hopefully, it's not…

Currently, I'm using Maschine 2.17 software, and, obviously, it allows to add up more than 64 scenes. So that confuses me a bit. How many scenes per project do you really can use in Maschine 3 software?


Best Answer


    LXNDR_BE Member Posts: 116 Advisor

    I just tested it with my MK3 and M3, it seems that the Banks now are not limited anymore.
    Just added 10 banks with each 16 scenes - so in total 160 scenes and i guess more is possible.

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 341 Member
    Answer ✓

    I tried to see how long projects can be and again I counted to 3200 bar and then I stopped. 64 scenes is enough for me because... but offcourse we need more a Pro- unlimited.

    Different users different workflows and personal preferences.

    I keep it simple.

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 341 Member

    If I could just say that I reached Bank 12 , project length is the same.

    Lock States stayed on 64 but if you need more in production just separate project in two or three stages. My Psy Trance is using about 12-16 Lock States before Master Export.

    Maschine 3 is literally the same with separation,render,and few MIDI tools and not to forget Tempo per Scene.

    Pointer is slaitly OFF and hand is hurts me. And I hope that for the Standalone NI can and will gave us USB Memory stick for transferring files in both directions otherwise it will be the only device that can read USB but restrictively.

    Much more improvements would be great but I was OK with M2 Software and I would rather stay safe then…Maschine on Computer is same to me and mouse don't listen, some plugins don't stay 📌 they just disappear and I didn't have Crash and I already made complex Projects.

    On Standalone my longest Project length is 36 minutes playing in loop with FX and Instruments for improvisation.

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