Maschine 3 and Komplete Control S49 MK2

Andy Portman
Andy Portman Member Posts: 2 Member

Hi Everyone, I have Maschine hardware controller and Komplete Kontrol S49 mk 2 that integrates well with Maschine 2 software. I have deliberately not purchased S49 mk 3 because of loss of functionality.

Does anyone know if Maschine 3 software still integrates properly with the older S series controllers? I've seen Maschine 3 on videos with the new KK keyboards and it isn't a patch on how maschine 2 works with S49 mk 2s


Best Answers

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 354 Pro
    edited November 2024 Answer ✓

    yes it’s supported

    Maschine 3 software functions without hardware but also works with the following Maschine pad controllers: 

    • Maschine Jam
    • Maschine Mikro MK3
    • Maschine MK3
    • Maschine Studio
    • Maschine+ in controller mode
    • Maschine+ in standalone mode compatibility will be added ASAP. Currently projects created on Maschine+ in Maschine 2 format will open in Maschine 3, but not vice versa. 
    • Supported Kontrol keyboard controllers:
      • Kontrol M-series
      • Kontrol A-series
      • Kontrol S-Series MK2
      • Kontrol S-Series MK3
  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,714 mod
    Answer ✓

    Maschine 3 has the same integration with Kontrol S MK2 as Maschine 2. We didn't remove anything.


    ALDREAD Member Posts: 354 Pro
    edited November 2024 Answer ✓

    yes it’s supported

    Maschine 3 software functions without hardware but also works with the following Maschine pad controllers: 

    • Maschine Jam
    • Maschine Mikro MK3
    • Maschine MK3
    • Maschine Studio
    • Maschine+ in controller mode
    • Maschine+ in standalone mode compatibility will be added ASAP. Currently projects created on Maschine+ in Maschine 2 format will open in Maschine 3, but not vice versa. 
    • Supported Kontrol keyboard controllers:
      • Kontrol M-series
      • Kontrol A-series
      • Kontrol S-Series MK2
      • Kontrol S-Series MK3
  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,714 mod
    Answer ✓

    Maschine 3 has the same integration with Kontrol S MK2 as Maschine 2. We didn't remove anything.

  • gviio
    gviio Member Posts: 20 Member

    Has it been tested? I have the KK S61 MkII and Maschine 3, and everything works perfectly except the keybed does nothing running Maschine 3 standalone. The controller is fine as it still runs everything as normal, it’s just not playing nice with Maschine 3.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,714 mod

    Yes. The integration sounds like it's working. Separately to that, it sounds like you have a MIDI issue. Perhaps routing or setup? @Jeremy_NI

  • Clubber70
    Clubber70 Member Posts: 13 Member

    The S61MK2 works excactly the same in Maschine 3 as in Maschine 2 including keybed and light guide.

    I think you have to check the MIDI settings in the preferences inside Maschine 3. There should be the INs and OUTs enabled for the S61MK2

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    Check the MIDI inputs in the preferences and make sure the S61 mk2 is selected as the MIDI input.

  • Andy Portman
    Andy Portman Member Posts: 2 Member

    Thanks for the answers, I'll go ahead and upgrade confidently. But that brings another question… the mark 3 keyboard has some wonderful extra capabilities, especially individual key after touch. Great for performance. Is NI's intention to raise the mark 3 integration to the same level as with the mark 2? And if not and in future I bought a mark 3, would there be any issue with having both keyboards plugged in at the same time to make good use of both of the advantages?

  • Reasty
    Reasty Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    what about S49 Mk1? In the new maschine 3 software, nothing works, I can play the sounds but arp button now does nothing and none of the encoders are mapped to anything like they where in Maschine 2, it basically has no control over maschine 3 at all.

  • Reasty
    Reasty Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    looks like I’ll be sticking with maschine 2 software for now then until they disable it and I’m forced to buy a KK mk3 🤦🏻‍♂️

  • Kaldosh
    Kaldosh Member Posts: 418 Advisor

    i have a studio and a jam both supported in Maschine 3 but won’t upgrade because my kk mk1 doesn’t work. It was easy to keep it functional and keep customer happy . Worst choice they ever made from an ethical point of view. If I upgrade for 29€ I lose a great keyboard. I’ll stick to Maschine 2

  • Elliott Brun
    Elliott Brun Member Posts: 3 Member

    having a hard time using KKS49 MKII and Maschine3. The Arrange pattern knob doesn't do anything anymore. may try update from M3 Alpha releast.

    I can understand if Maschine support is dropped entirely in the KK MK3, lthough its a bummer, surely like the KK MkII integration now wont see any improvements. Maybe just trying to solve too many things and hard to support. Like should it go bigger and have more Maschine like buttons? but its a keyboard and some users may not even have maschine. As long as transport works 🤷‍♂️

  • trusampler
    trusampler Member Posts: 339 Pro

    They removed support for customers who upgraded to their new MK3 series keyboards.
    I think it’s time to call them out again on it though, we all know that the MK2 series keyboards were designed to work with Maschine hw. Every YouTuber was pushing the intergration and NI knows it.

    Even Sweetwater, a US leader in audio equipment ran sales for the duo. Anyone with a brain should be offended.

    MK3 keyboards shouldn’t lose features and intergration. This is more of an issue with their development suffering from quality devs, NI has never fully recovered from the talent they once had working for them. A bit like Roland, so it’s constant gaslighting and months upon months, of very basic skills being shown in terms of development.

    They used a similar excuse back when Kore 2 was at its peak, and poof they just up and dropped development.
    Those that know, just know what games NI plays with their customers.

    I personally find it offensive that they would claim that only a few used it like that, when they’re fully aware that’s a lie.

    It’s disrespectful to think they think their customers have such short memories.

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