Instruct a song to automatically fade out to silence

Bob Lawrence
Bob Lawrence Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Hi everyone - does anyone know how to set a POI (or similar) to instruct a song to automatically fade out to silence at a specific point in the song. For example, at 2:00 into the song, auto fade out the song to silence by the 2:10 mark of the song. I was able to accomplish this with a different software package by creating an action script in a POI.



  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    @Ryan_NI @Karlos Santos Any tips for this one?

  • Ryan_NI
    Ryan_NI Customer Care Posts: 191 mod
    edited June 2022

    Hey @Bob Lawrence - I don't have as elegant of a solution for what you're looking for, but maybe it's a good place to start. I have a different .tsi file that instructs Traktor to skip to the end of the song. Unfortunately, it does not fade out, but maybe this can be automated in the Controller Manager as well.

    the keyboard shortcuts in this .tsi file are as follows:

    • press "1" to skip to the end of Deck A
    • press "2" to skip to the end of Track B

    This can also be mapped to a controller.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    Would it be possible to add to future version of Traktor fade in and fade out markers? They would allow to make song shorter, if needed. No respective marker set by user would mean, song starts/ends at start/end of song.

    It would be very helpfull mainly for case when playlist is played automatically by Traktor. I could go to dance with others if I wanted....

    Fade out on marker would be also helpfull if one really needs end on certain point for sure.

    Also would help if in that case showed time to end would be relatively to fade out marker and total time of playlist would not count times before fade in and after fade out.

    It should not be that difficult to implement it, if there is "space" in datastructure for cuepoints for two more items.... Few hours of programming, I guess. And some testing, manual. Two mandays at most.

    Traktor is not used only by DJs, but also quite a lot for "intuitive dancing" like Open Floor, Five Rhytms, etc.. This new feature would be quite appreciated in that community, I guess.

  • Bob Lawrence
    Bob Lawrence Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    I appreciate your comment @Ryan_NI , but it's imperative that the song fades out. My particular use case is when I'm DJing weddings, most couples want me to shorten their final parent dance, introduce the person giving a welcome message and the blessing, and get the mic to them immediately. The problem I have is logistics -- after manually fading out the final parent dance, I need to run down a flight of stairs, and then walk about 25 yards to get to the person doing the welcome message. It results in about 15 seconds of awkward silence. With an auto fade out option (like I had in a different software program), I could set the auto fade out point at a specific point ahead of time, and after I kick off that song, I can casually walk down the stairs and get in position while the song plays, and ultimately fades out.

  • Ryan_NI
    Ryan_NI Customer Care Posts: 191 mod

    hey all - thanks for your feedback! I totally understand where you're coming from. I've reached out to the team to see if there is any workaround for this, and if not, to submit it as a feature request.

  • Bob Lawrence
    Bob Lawrence Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Thanks @Ryan_NI - looking forward to hearing back on a solution!

  • DJBite
    DJBite Member Posts: 17 Member

    I am not sure if this helps you, but if I need something like this, I simply edit the song beforehand (using Adobe Audition in my case, but I sure there are cheaper/free applications to do it with) and save the file with another name (like _edit or _fade, after the title) and use that one.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    Yes, I know one could do it like that.... The thing is, that I might decide during the play to remove fade out, or fade in. And in case of OP (the weddings) it may be interactive, someone may give sign that time for speech has come. So, it is not possible to prepare beforehand.

    Simply, adjustable fade-in/fade-out points would be nice, if possible.

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