In the Internal Filter FX, what does "LFO Shape" actually do?

Tom Auger
Tom Auger Member Posts: 62 Helper

From the manual: LFO Shape

Defines how the LFO evolves over time.


So I have some theories:

  1. It does a soft transition between triangle - sine - square OR
  2. It changes the pulse width so that 50% is equidistant and 0% squeezes the "rising" side where 100% squeezes the "falling" side
  3. It changes the width of the peaks and troughs so that at 0% the lowest part of the output lasts longer and at 100% the highest part lasts longer

Without a visual readout it's pretty hard to tell.

Does anything have a definitive answer?


Best Answer

  • Toltemic
    Toltemic Member Posts: 44 Helper
    Answer ✓

    The lfo is an equal exponential rise and fall at 0, to then a sawtooth by increasing the attack speed followed by, then, increasing the sustain of the peak whilst also shorting the decay until a square


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