How to Change Scene by Program Change in Maschine 2's VST3 in Cubase 12

Daksha Member Posts: 10 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I'm workin in Windows 11, Maschine latest version, Cubase 12.

Here Maschine Standalone, where everything works fine.

...and here is opening the same menu in Maschine as a VSTi under Cubase 12: Program Change option is just missing.

It always worked before...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FIX THIS !!!!!

Best Answer

  • Daksha
    Daksha Member Posts: 10 Member
    Answer ✓

    Last update:

    I managed to convert incoming Program Changes to Midi Notes with Cubase 12 "Transformer" midi plugin used as Insert Midi on Maschine's track.

    I upload here the preset just in case someone need it!

    Thanks again to anyone here who helped!!


  • Daksha
    Daksha Member Posts: 10 Member

    I opened a ticket on sunday evening, and while waiting for them to answer, I tried to change scene by midi notes...and even there, it doesn't work.

    I tried also in standalone mode, nothing.

    This is bad. Too bad.

  • Daksha
    Daksha Member Posts: 10 Member
    edited June 2022

    Ok, just an update: at page 3 of the NEW manual it says: "When MASCHINE is running as a VST3, it is not possible to trigger Scenes, Sections, or Lock Snapshots via MIDI Program Change messages. Instead, MIDI Note Events must be used.

    So I tried to load a VST2 Maschine session inside Cubase but I discovered that there's NO VST2 Maschine delivered with this release. So i tried again by midi notes, and this time I succeded.

    Ok. This is fine for the song I'm working on...but incredibly tedious and a big loss of time if I've to do it for all tracks I wrote in the past.

    NOW: maybe NI should have delivered a VST2 version and release a 3 when this BASIC STUFF was fixed...In 25 years making music this is the first time I see an instrument failing on Program Changes after an update.

    This confirms that Maschine is becoming more & more a toy...and still no answer to my ticket from NI support...

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,948 Expert

    To my understanding, it’s not possible to use program changes in VST3 the same way as in VST2.

    But you could use Cubase Logical-Editor/Transformer to translate your recorded Program Changes to Notes.

  • Daksha
    Daksha Member Posts: 10 Member

    This idea came in in my mind this morning as I woke up! That's what I'm gonna try this evening! If it works (it should), it will save me all the assle to rewrite sampler parts in my tracks!!

    Thanks @ozon , I'll let you know if it did the trick!

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited June 2022

    @Daksha said:

    So I tried to load a VST2 Maschine session inside Cubase but I discovered that there's NO VST2 Maschine delivered with this release. So i tried again by midi notes, and this time I succeded.

    There is both VST2 and VST3, both show up for me in Ableton but in Cubase for some reason I was also only seeing the VST3, then I rescanned and now only VST2 shows up... No idea what's going on but sounds like a Cubase issue.

  • Daksha
    Daksha Member Posts: 10 Member

    Thanks D-One, I will try to rescan all my plugins again...anyway I didn't find a vst2 version in my HD, that's why I suspect it isn't there...I'll try and tell you.

    Thanks again!

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    Try reinstalling and double-checking your paths in Native Access if you're up for it, regardless @ozon 's suggestion seems like the best course of action for a long-term solution as eventually, VST2 will die out, not soon but eventually.

  • Daksha
    Daksha Member Posts: 10 Member

    Well, some updates: by the time NI's support answered to my ticket, but nothing new that hasn't been said here. And sadly, the more I dive into this, the more I find problems: I rescanned manually my plugins, Maschine VST3 became a VST2. It only show a VST2 after rescanning.

    Problem 1 : I opened my Cubase project and the two Maschine instances (now VST2) in it, didn't load any maschine project, any group or sound, they just started as blank projects and I had to load them manually (thanks God, Cubase kept all the indipendent audio channels and relative plugins that I routed for every maschine audio out track). After this, ok. Here Program Change messages are working.

    Problem 2 : after closing completely Cubase, Maschine VST magically goes back to VST3. To get back VST2 I have again to manually rescan my VSTis.

    At this point, for multiple reasons, using the VST3 is most convenient: sooner or later VST2 will be left out of the game, as @D-One said, and also I avoid manually rescanning plugins everytime.

    At this point it was late at night, I tried quickly the midi transformer in Cubase with no succes, but I'll read the manual ang give a proper try in the weekend.

    Sadly, all this stuff leaves mme more and more suspicious about the future of Maschine platform & its upgrades/bugs/problems that I'm constantly facing when working inside a DAW...I am also considering going back to Groove Agent and create a good mapping for it on a Beatstep Pro...maybe even learning WELL the cubase's Sampler Track: both things require time to be spent, but I prefer spending my time learning rather than trying to fix what doesn't work properly and with the fear that tomorrow something else could be broken.

    Workflow won't be the same, ok, but at least there will be a workflow instead of a constant problem-solving :(

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    edited June 2022

    @Daksha We deliver a VST2 version of the Maschine plug-in. It's jut that Cubase prioritizes VST3 vs VST2. If you want to load the VST2 every time you need to remove the Maschine 2.vst3 file from this location: C./Program Files/Common Files/VST3.

    Then Cubase will automatically load the VST2 version. But you're right, that's only a temporary solution.

    It's still a bit unclear whether this is a Maschine plug-in or something related to the VST3 format. I'll try to know more and more importantly if Maschine VST3 will ever support program changes messages in the future. I'll update the post as soon as I get more info.

  • Daksha
    Daksha Member Posts: 10 Member
    edited June 2022

    Thanks @Jeremy_NI, yes, NI support wrote me again just right now that they too will forward this to developers...

    Being Maschine a musical instrument offering midi support and being program change a basic and important part of that protocol, present since the early days in Maschine, I just used it and nobody could imagine that it could have been removed suddently like this.

    I'll stay on the VST3 and will try to convert ProgCh into Notes with Cubase Input Transformer or will do an additional temporary midi track to store there the needed notes to sequence my Maschine Scenes, on the songs I must work again.

    Thanks for helping, and yes, let me know if you have news about this!

    Have a nice day!

  • Daksha
    Daksha Member Posts: 10 Member
    Answer ✓

    Last update:

    I managed to convert incoming Program Changes to Midi Notes with Cubase 12 "Transformer" midi plugin used as Insert Midi on Maschine's track.

    I upload here the preset just in case someone need it!

    Thanks again to anyone here who helped!!

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    @Daksha Thanks a lot for sharing this, this will probably help a lot of users out there.

  • Daksha
    Daksha Member Posts: 10 Member

    Thanks to all of you who contributed into helping! :)

This discussion has been closed.
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