Does anyone even work at Native Instruments anymore?

MusicMan Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Tech Talks

I know there are developers, how else would they be able to come out with new products.

But trying to reach someone if you have a question or have a problem has gotten to be ridiculous. I wasn't going to buy anything from Native anymore, and I haven't in a long time. But I'm sure I'll need Kontakt 8 for something, somewhere down the road.

All I have is a simple question, but can get an answer…..



  • Tom Collins
    Tom Collins Member Posts: 127 Advisor

    I always get a response if I use the help chat function, if not in the chat then via email up to 24 hours later.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,365 Expert

    If all you have is a simple question…………..why not ask it here? There are plenty of experienced users and also NI staff.

  • mordecai
    mordecai Member Posts: 17 Member

    Never had a problem with ni support

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,033 Guru
    edited October 2024

    So let me rephrase:

    You haven't bought any NI products in a long time, but just on the off-chance you might someday decide to, you want someone on staff at NI at your beck and call in case you have a question about something?

    Did I capture that correctly??

  • Milkman
    Milkman Member Posts: 291 Advisor

    Imagine not wanting to use a community forum for "customer service" and then being questioned about that choice by randos. My goodness, things have changed havent they.

    Hint: "community forums" always reduce expectations of "customer service" for most people, most of the time, but that is what all brands are choosing lately because then they get to reduce staff, and who doesnt love firing people to save a few bucks??!?

    And then people who do use the "community forum" all mock you for daring to request a real staff member, like their method is the right one lmao my goodness. 😂 The stage is very late, isnt it friends.

  • Morgulduin
    Morgulduin Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    I bought second hand a49 and they even responded to the ticket to get the software license transferred from it's previous owners account. I don't know any other company that would do that would even entertain supporting users of second hand products.

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